


更新时间:2023-10-20 04:32:20


《牧人与海》 有个牧羊人在海边的草地上放牧羊群,看见海很宁静而温顺,便想去航海做生意。于是,他卖掉了羊群,买了些枣子,装船出发了。不料海上刮起了大风暴,船将要沉下去,他只得忍痛把所装的货物全都抛到海里,才乘坐着空船幸免于难。很久之后,有人路过海边,偶遇海面很宁静,大为赞美。牧羊人却对他说:“好朋友,大海又在想要枣子了,所以才显得如此宁静。”



I have a pencil box. It's a birthday gift from my mother. The stationery box is versatile, red, and especially beautiful. The pattern above is also very beautiful: a little white rabbit is playing hide and seek games, they hide in the chimney, and two heads are stretched out, just like my brother and I are together. How happy!

Open the pencil box. Look, there are keys on the left. In fact, the five buttons are buttons. The first button is the pencil sharpener, the second button is the eraser &ldquo bed; ” third, thermometer, feel free to let me know how's the weather today, the fourth is a magnifying glass, the last to go by, PA “ ” will startle you, this is the slide pencil the set will automatically slide down into the hole, they are very obedient, never fight, have fun.


Today is my birthday. My mother sent me a stationery box. I'm so excited.

Picture of the lid of the box box: a raven who is catching up with the crops by a farmer. Open the box again, you can see one, two layers. The first floor: the paradise of the pencil family, the pencils stand up and stand in the pencil box. The second floor: “ 100 treasure box ” there are pens, ballpoint pen, pen core and ruler … …

I live with it every day because it is my good friend or my good helper. While I write my pencil and eraser jumped in front of me, writing, rubber face plate pointed out my mistakes, until I correct so far.

My pencil box is really a big family.





