


更新时间:2024-04-25 21:25:08









当天空那抹橙红飘散开去,天空披上宝石蓝的幕布,夜,悄悄地来了。伴随着妈妈“睡觉啦”的催促,我爬上了小床。银白色的余光透过纱窗碎碎地洒在大白熊脸上,它大大的眼睛透着许些困意,我仿佛听见它打着哈欠,说“Is time to sleep,做个好梦……”的场景。我微微笑了笑,望了望那皎洁的明月,心中平静如水。我轻轻的抱着大白熊,它的毛好柔软,好舒服啊。渐渐地,我睡着了……




Impressions of after seeing black mirror S2E2-white bearMany ideas hit me until I saw the film’s last 4 minutes .it’s cruel to repeat the scene for the women leading role just because of a undoubted reason that she was willing to be a spectator when a murder happen. many people argue that if the punishment is too serious for the women leading role. In my piont of view, the women loading role commit a serious crime,but the repeated punishment is so cruel too. Whether you feel sorry for her or not, it’s up to you. Different people have different cognitions and standards. But from the point of the women loading role, I can sense her hopeless and fear from the beginning.when we saw she was regarded as monster and nobody can care her life just recording the whole process,I think none can laugh out the scene. However providing we were spectator in the film, the women is criminal and insensible,we maybe consider everything were normal .

even we think she should deserve the horrible punishment. In fact, from the two points,we all can master the whole purpose of the black mirror .we can’t forget the planner of the repeat play in white bear justice park .the planner point at white board :enjoy yourself .how horrible. We forget the virtue of human,we can dally with our brother and sister.but I think the planner should undertake responsibility. in the other word,medium change our thought day by day.such as television,internet,and newspaper. All report seem was object, but itcontain some guiding. For example, USA usually broadcast African rebellion or Chinese mess,which lead we think African was mess all day,and China was virulence .

it’s true, they broadcast the truth.but the truth just was sorted for some purpose. just as the film’s planner ,what they said was true,but they never tell the feeling of the women,suffering and hopeless.we suffer our brother. I afraid of the bad thing that the kindness of human was gone. what will happen? Sometimes I consider I don’t need think the social shortcoming too much. because it is difficulty to deal with so many problem. As a Chinese citizen,we should support our government,and we be ought to seek out the shine of the society.

Only in this way,we can creat more wealth for our country. It is said that when you see bright light,you are bright.we never see our country are filled with crime and enmity. But we should be thankful our medium.they show the truth . the dark we saw in thewas ourselves.many people deny the result.but just we know the secret. In the flim,white bear justice park is sharp-fanged. we have already consumed our justice. We shout out justice –it a thing we have no longer. will it also be a step of the progress of the people.In fact ,whatever other people say ,just you can change your behavior. i never call for people find hunman’s vitue,surely, I can’t do this.i just hope people can think about the problem from the different angles. In fact ,I do not good enough in this respect.



一天,黑熊在小溪边喝水,见旁边的草丛中有动静,就走过去看个究竟。草丛中的眼睛蛇听到有声音赶忙回头,黑熊见眼镜蛇要抬头,来不及多想,用脚往眼镜蛇头上狠狠踩了下去。 .眼镜蛇挣扎了一会儿,不动了。





