


更新时间:2024-03-13 15:33:06


Dear editor,

I’m whiting to you to tell you something bad in my hometown ,they are about different kinds of pellution.

There are different kinds of pollution in my homtown .such as water pollution and nosie pollution.they are very terrible and make us fell uncomfultable and unpleasant.

A few years ago we could see green trees and beautiful flowers everywhere.But now everything has changed.We can’t see the beautiful things. The environment diseases.

I want to change the all ,but I am not able to do it..So I write to you .Please help me.











Dear Mr. President,

My name is Li Ming, a sophomore majoring in International Trade. Having learned and lived on campus for nearly two years, I have found university life most exciting and instructive.

What happens around me every day has left a deep impression on me, but what strikes me most is the canteen service on campus, so that for some time I have had the keen desire to write to you, sharing with you my positive comments on and negative feelings about it. On the one hand, we are happy to see that the canteen staff has been sparing no efforts to guarantee food quality. As a result, we are relieved from the anxiety that some food might be dirty, stale and inedible. We also feel contented with the service provided by the canteen, enjoying food in a homely atmosphere. On the other hand, improvements should be made for the simple reason that prices for dishes are unreasonably high, and that the canteen is not spacious enough and too noisy at times.

Therefore, to improve the overall service of the canteen the strengths should be encouraged, while the weaknesses ought to be overcome by lowering prices and expanding the canteen if possible.






Dear the headmaster :

I am a student in your school, I heard that we will hold a activity but you aren't decide the date,so I want to offer some ideas.

First,we can't hold in a very cold or hot weather,the best weather is spring.

second,we can have the activity in the afternoon sothat students can have a good time.

That's over. If you could accept my ideas,I would very happy.



Can you imagine that I’m now in the United States, a country so different from China? Everything is new and interesting! I made some friends on the trip over and they have been very kind and helpful. Still, you know how much I miss you and your cooking? My mouth waters at the mere thought of those delectable Chinese dishes you prepare. Last night, my friends invited me to dinner. They had some strange ways of describing their hunger. For instance, there was“I’m starving to death”,“I’m famished”, and“I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse”, which has a similar expression in Chinese; I’m sure you know the one. How about“I’m making a pig of myself”! A little confusing, hmm? Anyway, this stuff may be useful to you

as an English teacher, so I’m also sending a tape. You can listen to our conversation and hear some real modern American English.

Your loving daughter,
