


更新时间:2023-11-23 06:13:00


突然,唐僧突然看见了七个美女在洗澡,便两眼发光,趁徒弟们还没发现有美女洗澡,便叫徒弟们让开,说要嘘嘘(其实是看七个美女洗澡罢了)。唐僧来到了她们洗澡的地方,便在草丛中开始偷看。“哎呀,莫拦咯,把你那毛手拿开。”唐僧浑然不知孙悟空就在他后面。突然悟空大叫一声,吓的唐僧直尿裤子,“嘻嘻,难怪你手机打不通,原来看美女看傻啦。”悟空生气的`说:“下次有美女看不叫我,看我不告诉观音姐姐。”“好,好,好,只要不告诉观音姐姐,为师做什么都可以。”突然七个蜘蛛精发现了她们,便说:“纳尼,敢看老娘洗澡。我了你们。唐僧冷笑:“哈就你们和我,从来没有一个美女能逃过我的手掌心,come baby。说完唐僧一铺上去,七个妖精便挂了。“我靠,不是吧”。“就是,为师不是随便的人,可为师随便起来不是人”










"Freedom and progress are the goals of art, just as they are the goal of our whole life," said the great musician Beethoven.

This winter holiday, I read a great book - celebrity biography. The book touched my heart deeply. The author of celebrity biography is French romain rolland. The book is composed of three biographies of Beethoven, Michelangelo and Tolstoy.

Each of these three biographies enlighten me. One of the things that struck me most was Beethoven. Beethoven devoted his life to music, but fate always played a trick on him. He was sickly and sickly in his childhood. At the age of 3, hearing gradually declines, as a musician, this is a fatal blow, and his character, determined, does not bow to fate and continues to advance on the music road. Middle-aged, he hearing has completely recession, can only use to communicate with people, but this does not make him stop writing, but not to abandon all, into the arms of nature, continue to compose the immortal music chapter.

"Symphony of destiny" is one of Beethoven's most familiar and favorite works. The hero of Beethoven's eyes was so brave, so unyielding, so unyielding, as Beethoven himself was to write the music of the struggle with fate. Every time I close my eyes, listen to the music, mind is such a scenario: a brave knight, holding a sword, difficulties, setbacks and pain like the enemy, knight along the way encounter the enemy, knight did not flinch, but cut down all the way, the lost the courage, the triumphant return. When I finally opened my eyes, I found that I had the courage to overcome my courage and courage. After that, whenever I'm discouraged, in my heart silently singing "destiny symphony", encourage myself to like Beethoven don't blindly drown by misery and disaster, throat to do take fate of the strong!

"Man, you must strive for yourself!" This is one of the words Beethoven tells people. Yes, people can't cling to vegetation, create life with tough, bold heart and create art!