


更新时间:2023-12-08 08:52:44


记得马云刚推出淘宝软件时,妈妈许多步骤不会,还得靠我这个小帮手来助她“一臂之力”。有一次,我正在津津有味地看着电视,就在这时,从房间里又一次传来了妈妈的呼唤声:“儿子,赶紧过来,妈找到了一样好东西!”我对妈妈的求救已经是习以为常,可是听到了“好东西”这个词,我不禁也兴奋了起来,我来到了电脑房,只见电脑的屏幕上显示着衣服的示意图,衣服款式新颖别致,最为重要的是这件衣服的价格。“169元三件!”没有看错吧,在市场上买一件169元还差不多,现在算下来一件才差不多50多元,我立马也激动起来。可是刚看过新闻上播的网购“诈骗”的我立刻收起了刚才的激动之情,心里想到:这会不会也是那些骗子们设下的局呢?我便把想法告诉了妈妈。妈妈听完以后,开始也觉得有点不对劲,可是,很快妈妈抵不住这 “物美价廉”的诱惑。妈妈把页面往下拉,出现了买家的好评。妈妈看完以后立马又动心,分别挑选了三种颜色不同的款式,三下五除二地付了款。





"Open the window! Let the free air come back! Let's breath the breath of heroes." This is a line from romain rolland's book, "celebrity biography". Perhaps this is his interpretation of all his work.

The author of "celebrity biography" is French thinker and writer, romain rolland. "Celebrity biography is about Beethoven, Michelangelo and Tolstoy in grief stuck on the journey of life, to seek the truth and justice, for can show the true, the good and the beautiful immortal masterpieces, laid down their lives. They may be tortured by sickness, or by the misery of their sufferings, or by the confusion of their hearts, or the three of them, which are all overlapping in one body, with deep anguish, almost suffocating their breath, and destroying reason. But with strong will, they walked through the glorious and arduous life.

There are 5 famous biographies of famous people

Many places in "celebrity biography" are amazing, but my most memorable one is Beethoven's saying, "man, depend on yourself!" This sentence seems to be the advice to every living thing, if not to be self-reliant, then to ask for trouble. These three great men, on their own, forged a glorious life.

Beethoven came from a poor family, dropped out of school at thirteen, started the whole family at the age of seventeen, and when he was twenty-five years old, he had just emerged from the music scene and was deaf again. The pain of this very deadly disease to the musician, who could have imagined who could think of his immortal masterpiece, was written in the vast majority of his deafness. He had always been unlucky in life, and his love life was full of desolation and regret, due to poverty and disability.

Meters open the ROM and Tolstoy luckier than Beethoven, they don't have any physical disability, but they refuse to enjoying life, will not live in vain, for the own goal, fighting.

What kind of victory could be compared to their achievements that the glory of the sun that was the day of the Napoleonic wars was never won by spiritual power. They forged themselves with difficulty. As Beethoven summed up his life in one sentence, this sentence has become the motto of the brave man: "for its pain, there is joy."








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.你爱吃梨吗? 我非常喜欢吃梨.让我们一起分享桃子和梨吧.好的
