


更新时间:2022-07-12 09:43:14


Study the picture above carefully and write an essay entitled “The Adaptation of the Classical Literature”. In the essay, you should (1 describe the picture (2 interpret its meaning (3 give your opinion about the phenomenon. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points?

The picture gives us a view of a popular phenomenon: the adaptation of the classics. Some classical literary works, such as our four great classics i.e. A Dream of Red Mansions, Journey to the West, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Heroes of the Marshes, are all adapted to cater to some readers’ tastes. The traditional characters become so strange and the plots are totally different. It is so ridiculous that the precious literary treasures are allowed to be ruined so much.

As we all know, the classical literature is the representation of the outstanding art of our nation. Some familiar characters such as Monkey King express the good wishes of our common people. From them, we learn many good virtues such as honesty, bravery, justice etc. However, in those adapted works named “Bantering***”or “Reboiling***”, all plots are changed and all characters become somewhat watered clown. Some readers interested in reading burlesque works have high praise for them. But they never think of the negative effects of such adaptations on the average reader, especially to children. Children are the future of the nation. They always believe that what is in the books is the truth. Those adapted works will affect their outlook on life.

Therefore, some measures should be taken to restrict these adaptations. The real classics should be presented on the bookshelves to lead people to appreciate the real art.


Study the picture above carefully and write an essay entitled “After Graduation” In the essay, you should (1describe the picture (2interpret its meaning (3give your opinion about the phenomenon. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET2. (20 points


Graduation is an important event for all of us. It is the divide between school and a full-time working life. After graduation, we are no longer students protected by parents and teachers, but a member of the real society. Let’s look at the picture first. A graduate is told by his teacher, “You must depend on yourself during your life journey after graduation…” He finds that some former graduates fly high into the sky while some experience a drastic fall.

The picture tells us a principle. Graduation is not the end of your education, but the beginning of your real journey. At school, we may find we are no different from our classmates. However, there will be a great gap between us after graduation. Some may try their best to improve themselves and become the mainstay of our ear era? While some are indulged in creature comforts and give up their initial ideals.

Therefore, we should remember that graduation is the beginning of our real life journey. If you want to be a person useful to society, you should make all efforts to learn as much as possible from others and improve yourself. In this way, you may fly high in the sky.


制作我的人,是宋代一位著名的制瓷艺人,名满天下。他烧制的青瓷,颇受皇帝赞誉。我以为我会像我的那些小伙伴一样,冰清玉洁,青翠素雅。可是,因为主人弟弟不慎,我破碰了瓷,釉面全都开裂 了,裂纹形状不一。我会被摔碎吗?会被无情丢弃吗?但主人没有那样做,他用笔蘸着墨涂在我的裂纹里,墨色晕染,层层叠叠,就像是裂开的冰。我看到了主人眼 里的赞美与惊艳。


眼前一片黑 暗,空气也很干燥。这是哪里?我记得之前我是跟小伙伴一起随风寻找适合安家的地方的。可是,我被卡在岩缝中动不了了!我成了孤家寡人,我会吗?这里是如 此的贫瘠,根本不适合我生长。我把根系使劲深入岩石深处,希望能得以立足。石缝中阴暗无光,我便尽力向上生长,只为沐浴金色的阳光。风来,我随风势而弯 腰,不因风力而倒;雨来,我紧紧抓住脚下的岩石,不随雨水而去。我终于在石缝得以生长。


从小到大,我是一直听着父母的斥责声长大的。别人家的孩子似乎学习都那么好,而我好像平庸到无法再平庸。但我喜欢画画,虽然在父母眼中那是不务正业。每 当我心中的人和物在我笔下赋予鲜活灵动的生命时,我心中总会有满满的成就感。即使学业繁忙,也从未放弃过作画。我的学习成绩虽算不上优秀,但同学们看了我 的画作,都会连连点赞。我有属于我的光芒!

亲爱的朋友,也许你怀才不遇,也许你的学习成绩不令人满意,也许你追逐的梦想不为他人认 同……这些都不要紧。美丽的蝴蝶也曾是肉乎乎的毛毛虫,圣洁的白天鹅也曾是笨笨的丑小鸭,而日后光芒万丈的你,现在可能也是平凡的模样。无论经历怎样的坎 坷与挫折,请坚信,你有属于你的光芒!




















Study the two pictures above carefully and write an essay entitled “On the Relationship between Environment and Economy” In the essay, you should (1 describe the pictures and interpret their meaning (2 give your opinion with some proof (3 give your conclusion.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points

[参考范文]On the Relationship between Environment and Economy

The two pictures above are both about the relationship between the environment and the economic development. In the first picture, GDP is on the rise while the environment is drastically polluted. In the second picture, economic efficiency progresses with environmental protection. It’s easy to get the conclusion that development according to the second picture is more reasonable than that in the first one.

In the early development of socialism, our country didn’t pay much attention to the issue of environmental protection and savored the bitterness. Now, the government has taken many measures and is implementing the strategy of “sustainable development”. One aspect of the strategy is to develop the economy and take measures to protect the environment at the same time. In this way, we can develop our country in a sustainable manner and our offspring can have enough resources to develop society. If we don’t put much emphasis on the environment issue and excavate the natural resources blindly, our country will become a barren land sooner or later.

In a word, sustainable development is a reasonable strategy which should be implemented for a long time. The nature is providing us with plentiful resources generously, but it may punish us severely if we don’t care her.