


更新时间:2024-06-16 03:49:11




“好 吧,我来帮你讲讲做这类题的思路……”爸爸心平气和的为我讲着他解题的方法,我却不耐烦的听着,“爸爸,不如你直接把这几道题的答案给我吧,这样多方便 啊!”话音刚落,爸爸的脸色顿时一沉,没有了刚才祥和的神情,“你怎么能有这样的想法呢?!只会依赖别人的帮助,这要是中考高考怎么办,难不成你还不写 啦?!”爸爸这像灌了铅一般沉重的几句话无情的压住了我的所有辩解与接口……




我聚精会神地看着它的一举一动,只见他正一点点咬破那层乳白色的、厚厚的茧!里边流出一种淡黄色的液体,这种痛苦是难以想象的……它竭尽全力想着脱出这个 “白色的光环”。它挣扎着,我仿佛可以听到那痛苦地呻吟一般。豆大的汗珠顺着脸颊流到干燥的土地上,我紧张地注视着这一幕幕。我是多么想帮帮它啊!只见它 的身体已经露出了一个小脑袋。“加油,加油啊!”我的内心默默地为它鼓励。他奋进全力挣脱着这个痛苦的枷锁,艰难地、一点点的露出那对迷人的,色彩斑斓的 翅膀。慢慢地,一点点张开,终于破茧而出,向着它所向往的蓝天飞翔……

































Dear mom and dad:

You are good!

This is the first time I write to you, I want to write down the words of my heart.

You I had many of the night was up all night, you how many tears flow to me. I paid you for how much, I return you from, I also know, you must not think I return you anything, but I'll never forget you in mind, the old I will return to the best of your ability, when I grew up in the sun, but you will gradually ageing, worry about and sad that wrinkles climbed up you originally carefree face.

Mom and dad, in your care, I have spent a full of joy for ten years. You have been the best things to me. I have a beautiful bedroom, delicate study materials, the conditions of the outstanding school... I like the little princess "in fairy tale, as well as the growth of carefree. Mom and dad, I want to say to you, you is very kind to me.

For ten years, and you carefully nurtured me, so that I grow up happily day by day. And your own but don't know how much I flow for the sweat and the tears. Mom and dad, I'll never let you down, is you to me put a pair of wings, I'll use that for the most powerful wings and fly, to the vast ocean of knowledge.

For the father loves the mountains, big love speechless. Dad you in my memory is always strict.

I and you seem to be very few joked about. Occasionally you talking and laughing, but with total to feel very at odds after. You are always a mountain that composed speechless. But anyway, I know you did all that is good for me.

When I came to this strange world by accident, the heart also carries a afraid, with wen run is you with love I meet, your love is I came to this world have received the first gift. How many covered the morning mist, you surprise and incredibly staring at me that WenXiang such as roses of little face, in my mind I meditate on to the my blessings. Early morning sunshine through the window, hazy gently in your face evenly spread on a layer of holy golden.

Love is like the silent running water, exquisite moistens at every point. Blustery, sun rises fall, winter passed on, flowers blossom, thanks in your words, I know the world, start gradually thinking. You not only living I to raise me, but also teach me the person, the given me knowledge and tao is "who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments". Daughter with a mind always touched, but only in small to care and considerate, academic work harder in return. Just as weak grass can only add three points for spring green, and repay the natural nourishing; Autumn leaves only to be born for mud, to repay the tree of raising.

I usually very like reading, you never against, but to buy me a lot of books. By now I can put full of books have a bookcase. You again afraid I read many of the eye sight, and broke in bed to buy a lamp that beautiful the lamp that shield an eye.

Mom, remember the paint of time? Can't stand practice to paint of bitter, you also can really hit me, forced me to go on. Have a period of time, the time to practice painting overload I almost collapse, drab repeatedly that I find very boring. Many times, I almost want to go to all the paper I ripped, but then I was able to hold back. Want to come now, drawing not only gave me to understanding of the love, and paint with the fingers of flexible and the development of the brain, the more developed my perseverance will and persistence. Mother, daughter really grateful to you!

Dad, perhaps you rarely like mother like that teach me what, but you can really affect me a lot. You never is so honest, kind, brave, strong, dedication, and can endure hardships and profound knowledge, you use your good quality affects me, always doing my model. Each time talking with you always make me benefit, always make me understand some of the life philosophy, always important to make my in confused when suddenly enlightened. Dad, daughter really grateful to you!

Mom and dad, you are in their industry elite, and daughter from urinate will you as a proud. You are all so devotion and perseverance, in their children's education is also a method. Mother, it is you that give me the most important a habit: a love of reading. Reading is to my self education is the best way I know to widely browse, many all aspects of the knowledge, people doing things will also be more mature. Mom and dad, daughter really appreciate you!!!!!

Love is the most beautiful in the world language, let us each other love each other forever to pass by stormy night, watch for the arrival of the most beautiful day.

Your daughter