


更新时间:2024-06-19 15:13:59


The biography of the famous is composed of the famous French writer romain rolland, the biography of Michelangelo and the biography of Tolstoy, all of which were created in the early twentieth century. These three are famous people all over the world, but they do not give in to their fate and fight against their fate.

The first was Beethoven, a German musician who was born poor and dropped out of school. His life was rough and he was brave to fight his fate. His only family had failed him, and he was badly hit, but he survived. The great musician wrote an immortal masterpiece after hearing the deaf. He conquered the disease and overcame the difficulty. Beethoven was successful because of his spirit, unwilling to yield to his fate, and his spiritual values.

The second was Michelangelo, an Italian composer. He was born to a richer family in Florence. He has a high culture and artistic foundation. He spent his life working for the church. And his family kept asking him for money, and Michelangelo never refused their demands. The Pope had erected a monument to himself, which made Michelangelo less than his ideal. He encountered many difficulties in his life. He insisted that he lived to be in his seventies for his own ideal. Only a man with dogged perseverance like Michelangelo will succeed.

The third is Leo Tolstoy, a Russian writer. Tolstoy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He has a happy family. He has a high literary talent. He had been successful before, but he didn't care about what he had. He would not enjoy life, he would not spend his life, he would like to reflect the value of his life through human beings. Tolstoy was one of those people who let us see the different sides of the writer, the kind of inner shock that made me feel a lot.

This book tells us to fight our fate bravely, as long as you don't give in to your destiny, one day you will change your fate. There is an old saying that "destiny is in your hands".



近朱者赤,环境氛围本就具有极强的感染力。孟母三迁,迁的不就是环境?变的不就是行为?更何况谈笑有鸿儒,不同的位置本就有不同的追求,而有些人的位置也容不得他们去潇洒享乐。 位置影响行为,行为也影响了位置。






一篇《答顾东桥书》断断续续看了近半个月,中间还夹杂着重温了下《万历十五年》。忽然有个念头冒出来:《传习录》是终极励志书啊!近期工作反思,想得很多,做得不够。想得太多了,想着一开始做,就要直接做得很周全,便觉得困难重重,倒反而畏首畏尾了。 这项工作本来属于我比较了解的,且一直关注,却行动迟缓,缺乏实际行动。近期牛刀小试,便有效果反馈。哎,惭愧惭愧,早干嘛去了。

归根结底,还是认识上不够到位。我还是把知与行,分作了两样,总想着完成了比较全面的知识储备和技术积累,再进行行动,却没认识到,知与行本是一体。只有在行动中摸索成长,才能完善认知,只有在行动中积累后才能进一步指导行动。   看来,《传习录》真不是读出来的,而是在“知”与“行”中逐渐融入自己的心性的。

近来,隐约感觉有一股动力,这股动力督促我反思自身,认知自己的心性,这股动力督促我即刻行动,投入实践,我想,这股动力,多多少少,就是我的“至良知”吧。   这股力量是《传习录》给我的,也许从这个层面看,称《传习录》是终极励志书,也不为过。我能够越发感受到心学与佛家禅宗的区别了,虽然心学与禅宗都是以自我本心的认知为主体,以修行者的领悟为成长之路,但是,心学与佛释有着本质区别,心学从一开始就将自己的修习落于最细微的实践行动之处 ,而穷究自己的本心,也便是天地间的大道天理。



"Freedom and progress are the goals of art, just as they are the goal of our whole life," said the great musician Beethoven.

This winter holiday, I read a great book - celebrity biography. The book touched my heart deeply. The author of celebrity biography is French romain rolland. The book is composed of three biographies of Beethoven, Michelangelo and Tolstoy.

Each of these three biographies enlighten me. One of the things that struck me most was Beethoven. Beethoven devoted his life to music, but fate always played a trick on him. He was sickly and sickly in his childhood. At the age of 3, hearing gradually declines, as a musician, this is a fatal blow, and his character, determined, does not bow to fate and continues to advance on the music road. Middle-aged, he hearing has completely recession, can only use to communicate with people, but this does not make him stop writing, but not to abandon all, into the arms of nature, continue to compose the immortal music chapter.

"Man, you must strive for yourself!" This is one of the words Beethoven tells people. Yes, people can't cling to vegetation, create life with tough, bold heart and create art! Read more book notes in YJBYS!


















Open the biography of the famous, in the introduction of the first paragraph: "the air around us is heavy. The old man's Europa was unconscious in a climate of turbidity and corruption, and the vulgar materialism repressed the thought and obstructed the actions of the government and individuals. Society dies in a perverse, self-serving selfishness, and mankind breathes and breathes. Open the window! Let the free air come back! Breath the breath of heroes."

It is obvious that Roman Roland should use heroic spirit to correct the age bias. The real hero, the true greatness, is the pain and solitude, the struggle of the self with the invisible. In the same quote he added: "I am not a hero, I am a hero; And just by the great soul." He was the one who grasped the anguished mind of the hero and the great man, and took the triumph of overcoming adversity as a shining ruler of the hero. And his celebrity biography is revealed three suffering the heart of the hero biography in human history, they are great musician Beethoven, 19 th-century German Renaissance Italy famous sculptor Michelangelo, the Russian literary giant Leo Tolstoy.

"Resurrection" is another masterpiece, Tolstoy twilight Roman Roland said: "the wife, children, friends, and did not understand his enemy, all think that he is a Don Quixote, because they can't see him fight the enemy, in fact this is his own enemy."

"Tolstoy, do you live according to what you preach?" He answered painfully, "I am ashamed to die, I am a sinner, and I should be despised." Finally, at the age of 82, Tolstoy escaped from his home on a cold winter night and was ill in an unknown town. As he lay dying, he wailed and said to the people who were standing around him.

"Thousands of millions of lives are suffering; Why is everyone there taking care of Leo Tolstoy?"

In fact, Tolstoy's answer to the question of the living is also a response to the pain of the soul, where we have clearly heard Beethoven's joyful singing of life.

This is the eternal spirit of romance that romain rolland left us in the biography of the famous.