


更新时间:2024-05-12 09:28:07


School is not only a place we can learn something,but also is a small society.

"School videncen"is a popular word in the school during this years.And school videncen have many influence for us too.Many of us suffer form bully of school-bullies nowadays.

So,boycott school videncen is what everyone in school should do.Teachers should have a sense of responsibility and carefully found the things which happened in your students and then timely educate and protect them.As we should have a sense of justive and also have a heart of fighting against with evil.Don't be feared,it just like a spring,you weak it will strong,you strong it will weak.

I think if we unite together to fight against with evil.The school will peace and harmonious again!


Hello, everyone. I can tell you about me! I am a happy girl. My name is Nina, I am 12 years old this year. My hobbies are singing and dancing. I usually play basketball on Saturday. I want to grow up to be a doctor .I didn’t like playing video games, but I like reading some books .I ride bike to school .I go to school from Monday to Friday. I am a good student in my school .Because I so like study .I am good kid too, Do you know? I usually do homework, help my family. My cook food is tasty .I like cat my favorite season is fall. I like warm and sunny. I so like red. This is me! What about you?



It is shocking to notice that extreme violence has occurred with frequency on campus in recent years, home and abroad.

In November this year, a college student from a prestigious university stabbed to death a professor who was preparing for his teaching. In the US a deadly shooting by a Korean American college student resulted in 33 classmates’ death. These tragedies seem to be unimaginable when college students are regarded as the elite of the society. Some people claim that the higher education do not improve moralities of those college students. Others believe that college students are fragile in their internal minds. These opinions do make sense when we take the overloaded pressure imposed on college students into consideration. While there is no way to rid totally the world of such violence, it is more important to take measures to avoid those occurrences.

Among those solutions, psychological aid is one. If psychological consulting had been resorted to, those tragedies should have happened with less possibility.


As we all know, a better result of study can be brought by a better study environment. As a result, it is necessary for us to build the green campus. The green campus can not only provide a good environment for our study, but also be a part of build the harmonious society.

The green campus is not only the environmental being green, but also the sprite being green, which means we should do other things like helping each other or caring each other. Therefore, we should both beautify the campus environment and create a campus culture.

As middleschool students, we enjoy the campus time while we have responsibility to build our green campus. In spiritual term, we should respect teachers, classmates and other people work for the school. In environmental term, we should have good habits to keep campus in a clean surrounding.







以下是简单自我介绍:在公司事变三年多时间里,我先后从事多种事变,积聚了一些实践履历;同时,利用事变之余报读中国经济管理大学的在职MBA《职业司理人》学习,并顺遂通过学校的 测验 和导师的承认,并取得《国际注册职业司理人证书》和研究生学历,同时不绝的自我学习管理学大家余世维博士和著名管理学院的相干课程及大量有关企业战略生长、策划管理、营销战略、人才鼓励等录像和笔墨资料,对企业策划有了一个开端相识。通过学习,发明乐成并不是想象中的那么困难:精确的目标+详确的筹划+坚强的意志=乐成;大家都可以乐成;策划企业也是如许。也正是由于学习,让我得到了知识,增长了自大,不但使我喜好上了质量管理行业,并且渐渐明白了人生职业抱负,夺取成为质量管理范畴的专家。









