


更新时间:2024-01-21 06:36:20


Dear Mom,

Can you imagine that I am now in the United States, a country so different from China? Everything is new and interesting! I made some friends on the trip over and they have been very kind and helpful. Still, you know how much I miss you and your cooking? My mouth waters at the mere thought of those delectable Chinese dishes you prepare. Last night, my friends invited me to dinner. They had some strange ways of describing their hunger. For instance, there was“I am starving to death”,“I am famished”, and“I am so hungry, I could eat a horse”, which has a similar expression in Chinese; I am sure you know the one. How about“I am making a pig of myself”! A little confusing, hmm? Anyway, this stuff may be useful to you

as an English teacher, so I am also sending a tape. You can listen to our conversation and hear some real modern American English.

Your loving daughter,



Dear Mamma,

How about you and my father?

I arrivedin Guangzhoulast Friday safely,butthe journey wasnotpleasant. The train was crowded and dirty, and I was terribly tired when I got here. After a short rest, I feel quit good now.

Uncle's family are all very well. They were very happy to see me and theyare all kind to me. Cousin Wei Ping is really warm-hearted, and he has been showing me around the city these days. We have many things in common so that we can talk to each other all the day.Tonight Wei Ping and I are going to a concert. We both like the star very much.I'm sure we'll have a good time.

Guangzhou is a beautiful city, and a bustling one as well. Life here is busy,butexciting and colourful. I love the way people work and live here and I hope to have a chance to work and live in this city when I grow up.

Uncle and Aunt send you my love.

Truely yours



"Jane eyre" is a very good book, is my favorite book.

"Jane eyre" this book is the great writer charlotte Bronte's famous work, is also a famous novel. In the novel, she joined the own life background, succeeded in shaping the Jane eyre this have ideal, have ambition, have individual character of woman, you love.

Jane eyre parents early death in my uncle, my uncle died, after her aunt sends her to an orphanage, came to thorne field, when the hero home tutor, Mr Roach department Mr Roach eccentric, after several contact, Jane eyre fell in love with him. When their wedding, mason came into pointed out that the castle attic room is a roach, a mad woman, the wife of Mr, Jane would not as a mistress, left the thorne field. Came to a remote place with the help of the priests found a village teacher profession. When the priest asked Jane got married, she reminded Mr Roach division. When back to thorne stole the castle is in ruins. Jane eyre to Finn, Mr Roach, live to the roach Mr Forrest's arms...

After reading this book, appearance is ordinary to my heart as if added a confidence, because it is I understand the connotation of the rich more than the beauty of appearance.

Ibelieve that the writing can bring women a lot of enlightenment, also, it can also become our younger generation on the life philosophy of revelation. It is not only the face of love, people should show the dignity, more let a person produce such a belief, that is in the life, autonomy, self-reliance, self-esteem makes people believe that their own ability, frequency more courage to strive for success and dignity.


Can you imagine that I’m now in the United States, a country so different from China? Everything is new and interesting! I made some friends on the trip over and they have been very kind and helpful. Still, you know how much I miss you and your cooking? My mouth waters at the mere thought of those delectable Chinese dishes you prepare. Last night, my friends invited me to dinner. They had some strange ways of describing their hunger. For instance, there was“I’m starving to death”,“I’m famished”, and“I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse”, which has a similar expression in Chinese; I’m sure you know the one. How about“I’m making a pig of myself”! A little confusing, hmm? Anyway, this stuff may be useful to you

as an English teacher, so I’m also sending a tape. You can listen to our conversation and hear some real modern American English.

Your loving daughter,



每次在我补习到很晚的时候,您总是开着车来载我回家,而且总是不会忘记带您亲手做的爱心便当,里面有鱼、有肉、有青菜……您的拿菜样样都不少,吃过的人都 赞不绝口呢!但这一晚我望眼欲穿,我没看到您开着车来接我,我着急得如热锅上的蚂蚁,心急如焚,而且雷公先生不但没有安慰我,反而是火上加油、雪上加霜, “轰隆隆!轰隆隆!”的'响着,一声比一声大声,一次比一次可怕,真的是叫人怵目惊心啊!而且还找来同伴——大雨来作怪,他们兴风作浪,在那雷电交加的夜晚,我吓得“皮皮挫”!

不久,我看见一道闪闪发亮的光,我害怕得往后三步,但我却万万没想到这时竟然还有人,我惊叫声不断,回过神仔细一看,原来是老师,我忽然放下心中的那块大 石头。老师说:“说不定那是你家长的车喔!”我一听,突然觉得好温馨,但我竟莫名其妙,忍不住放声大哭。果然是爸爸妈妈来了!我向老师说再见后就向妈妈说:“妈妈!我好想你喔!”爸爸听了直说我很娇气,才几个小时没见而已!但无论别人千言万语的数落,我都要说:“谢谢妈妈对我的爱!”



"Jane Eyre" is a novel with a rotation of the color, it told people the true meaning of life.

"Jane Eyre"  Bronte, author of gentle, pure, like the pursuit of some good things, despite the poverty of her family, from the loss of maternal love, combined with her short stature, appearance is not outstanding, but perhaps such a soul deep inferiority complex, reflected in her character is a very  self-esteem. Her  of Jane Eyre is a beautiful, little woman, but she has an extremely strong sense of self.

Jane Eyre in a survival environment, from an early age with their peers under the same treatment as people do not, aunt of the , cousin of contempt, insult and tortured cousin ...... perhaps it is because of all this, for Back to the Jane Eyre  indomitable confidence and strong , a personality to overcome the inherent strength. she has steadfastly pursued a bright, holy, better life.

In  before, she never because he is an inferior status of the family teachers feel inferior, but think they are equal. It is because of her integrity, high moral character, pure, spiritual not secular society of pollution, making Rochester was shocked, and she can be seen as an equal in spirit and their own people to talk to, and deeply in love with her .

And when they get married that day, Jane Eyre know Rochester has a wife, she must feel that they want to leave, although she said, "I want God to comply with the law issued by the world , I would like to stick to living a sober and sometimes I was not as so crazy now when accepted . " But speaking from the heart, deeper love Jane realize that they are being cheated, she's self-esteem has been teased because she loved Rochester. However, Jane Eyre has made a very rational decision. In such a strength of love under siege, in the prosperous life under the , she still has to adhere to their own dignity as an individual, this is the spirit of Jane Eyre the most charming place.

Novel design of a very bright at the end - although Rochester's manor destroyed, he himself became a disability, but it is such a condition, so that Jane Eyre is no longer in the dignity and the conflict between love and at the same time access to their own dignity and love.

In today's society, people are mad for money and status of submerged love. In between poor and rich choice of the rich, and in love with does not love does not love to choose between. Few people will be like this for the love of Jane Eyre to abandon all for the character, and without looking back. "Jane Eyre" by the show to us is a kind of getting back to basics, is a fully paid by the pursuit of love, there are as a human being should have dignity. It is like a cup of ice water, purifying the hearts of everyone.


Dear mnm,

How are you ?

Every day I had fun with uncle . On Monday we went to a Holiday Hotel. On Tuesday we ate good food . On Wednesday we went to a park .We took many pictures .On Thursday we buoght presents . On Friday we climbed a mountain . On Saturday we went to a zoo .Tomorrow I will be back home !

Miss you and dad .

