
跟同学友好相处的建议 英语作文(怎样处理同学之间的关系英语作文)

跟同学友好相处的建议 英语作文(怎样处理同学之间的关系英语作文)

更新时间:2023-12-14 08:08:27
跟同学友好相处的建议 英语作文(怎样处理同学之间的关系英语作文)

跟同学友好相处的建议 英语作文【一】

前情提要:炒菜”cook the meaIs”倒垃圾“empti the trash”


老师,全班同学齐读:“sweep the floor!”(扫地)(有杂音,有杂音!)

老师,全班同学齐读:“wayer the flowers!”(浇花)(有杂音,有杂音!)

同学1:“ I’can sweep the follr!”(我会扫地)

老师:“He’s helpfu!”(你有用)

老师:“齐读!wayer the flowers!“

同学XXXX+大声音最大:“wayer the floor!!!!”(浇地...)






刘爽对我们说:“我学会了个新单词!sweep the flowers!!!”(扫花) 我超级晕...

我对同桌说:“刘爽又发明了新单词!cook the trash!(炒垃圾)empty the Liushuang(倒刘爽)!!!!”

跟同学友好相处的建议 英语作文【二】



跟同学友好相处的建议 英语作文【三】

Dear XXX,

I know you have just come into a new class and can hardly get well on your classmates that you are worried about it.I'm very glad to help you. So let me help you to analyze the reasons and help you to solve the problems.Firstly,maybe you are introverted,so you should change your character and try to chat with others.

Then you will find they are very kind and easy to get along with.Secondly,you may be not adapt to the new class.So you just need some time to try to know about the new team.And you will find the new team is very interesting.Finally,I suggest you to introduce yourself to your classmates.Totally,it all depand on yourself.So cheer up!



跟同学友好相处的建议 英语作文【四】

Dear friend,

If you want to learn English well ,I can give you some advice.

First,you should spend a lot of time to practise your English. Such as listening English songs on the radio,speaking English to your classmate,reading English newspaper and writing English positions.

Then you should try to listen carefully in your English lessons.You should be brave to talk with the foreigners.You should read a lot and practise your writing skills.

I hope that all I say can help you.

Best Wishes!

