


更新时间:2023-12-24 08:55:23


What our life will be like in the future?When I was a little boy,I always asked myself this question.At that time,I had no idea what Internet was.But now,we use it every day.We can't live without it.Internet is become so popular and so convenient.

Just forget it.What our  life will be like in the future?For example,in ten years.I think that in ten years our life will be much more colorful,our computer will be much powerful,and we can do almost everything on the internet including seeing a doctor.What about your future life ?Will you share with me?


我的english teacher姓沈,虽然教了我4年英语课,可是到现在我连他的名字还不知道。他也是学校为数不多的男老师之一。他上课很特别,喜欢在课余时间给我们讲讲与上课内容有关的笑话。






The person I admire is my mum. She is an English teacher. She is very popular among the students because she spends lots of time on her lessons and has a good sense of humor. Students all enjoy her class. My mum is not only a good teacher, but also a great mother. She is patient with me and always smiling while talking. My mum teaches me how to think independently and helps me to build up my confidence. When I have some difficulties in my studies, it is my mum who encourages me to work until I solve the problem. When Im feeling sad or bad, it is also my mum who looks after me with care.

I remember when I caught a fever at midnight last year, my mum took me to the hospital as fast as she could. When we got home after my injection, it was about 5 oclock in the early morning. My mum only slept 2 hours because she had to wake up at 7 oclock to prepare breakfast for me, and then she went to work. She must be very tired that day.

My mum is not very beautiful, but I admire and love her.



我的长相大厂文化馆培训中心快乐作文班(南化实小) 刘铭宏我的头又大又圆,像一个大西瓜,一上体育课,同学会经常说:“今天可以向刘铭宏借球打了” ;但是,眼睛却非常小,像周杰伦的眼睛,一笑就眯成一条线;耳朵就像如来佛耳朵,大而厚;我的嘴可大了,一张开,就能塞进一个大苹果;两颗大门牙非常大,中间还有一道缝隙,一笑起来,大门牙就会落出来;我说话声音高,在小区大喊一声全小区人都听到,在路边大喊一身,树枝似乎被震断了。 我的长相大厂文化馆培训中心快乐作文班(南化实小) 刘宇翔我叫刘宇翔,今年九岁,读三年级。

我头上有一道疤,白白的,不长发,非常显眼,成了我头上一道靓丽的风景线;我左眼角边长一颗小小的黑痣,是胎记,老是被同学误认为我没有洗脸;我手臂非常粗,像是两段藕连接起来的;肚子呢,露出了啤酒肚,非常有肉,妈妈常常对我说要加强锻炼。 爸爸的长相大厂文化馆培训中心快乐作文班(信大附小) 朱安哲我的爸爸是光头,和孟非一样,头上寸草不生,光滑如玻璃,远看就像涂上一层油似的发亮。爸爸爱喝啤酒,肚子越来越大,圆鼓鼓的,像怀孕了一样,用手敲敲还咚咚作响;因为不爱运动,象蜗牛我在家里,肚子挺得更大。 爸爸的长相大厂文化馆培训中心快乐作文班(育英二外) 沈博康我爸爸是头大肚圆身重。寸草不生的大脑袋比咱们体育课上玩的篮球还大,比咱们家电灯泡还亮。肚子像大鼓,又圆又挺,裤子只能系在肚子下面,蹲都蹲不下来。身子又肥又重,浑身都是赘肉,肥肥的,一走起路来肉就上下跳动;我和妈妈的重量之和比他还轻许多,躺在沙发上,沙发咔吱咔吱的响,几乎被他压塌了;腿粗得像大象的腿,要穿四十几码的鞋子。 我的长相大厂文化馆培训中心快乐作文班

(信大附小) 李瑶我长着平肩的短发,又黑又少,我喜欢把它绕起来盘在头顶。大家都说我是小美人,瓜子脸上装着不偏不移的月牙般的眉毛,眉毛下一双水汪汪的大眼睛就像两颗黑葡萄镶嵌在脸上,樱桃般的小嘴红润润的,说起话来轻声细语。 李扬的长相大厂文化馆培训中心快乐作文班(南化四小) 朱晏李扬是我的好朋友。他圆圆大大的头像一个大西瓜,别看他头大,可聪明了,什么难题也难不倒他,是班上的“小博士”。脸上的黑痣像一颗黑珠子,激光治疗多次还没有消。

眉毛又细又直,像两条线段。他身子瘦,像竹竿,仿佛风一来就能把他吹跑,脖子非常细,就像是一根把头和身子连起来的洗衣机进水管。 我同学王锦洋的长相 大厂文化馆培训中心快乐作文班 (信大附小) 王煜炜我的同学王锦洋十岁了。他的头发怪,额前是翘着的,其余是平的,仿佛威尼斯的小艇。两颗黑宝石般眼珠下面是一个高鼻梁,鼻子两孔处尖尖的。大嘴巴,一张开,一大把葡萄塞进去不嫌多,像鳄鱼的嘴;讲起话来声音又高又脆,耳朵能被震聋;肚里藏不住话,跟他一个人说的话,他一转身就告诉别人。他又高又壮,读三年级就一米四了,比咱们高出一个头,是全班的大个子;力气非常大,六年级同学和他扳手腕,他是十战十胜。


Children's finally here, it is our holiday, but imagine the children also accompanied by together, everybody is more excited.

Children on this day, white clouds float over the blue sky, the children also have made a hot air balloon, they sit together on yourself a hot-air balloon, extremely happy! Balloon flying high, and finally flew to the sky, the children are in the sky holiday, the children sit on clouds, umpa jump, like a frisky little monkey.

Playing children, suddenly to rain cats and dogs, the children of the balloon has stalled, baiyun sister swept away by the wind, the children fell into despair. Is a time of crisis, a group of dragonflies sister and sister flew caught the children, and the safety of the children to the ground.

On the ground, only butterflies woven into a rainbow "lei", the children wear a wreath, some like a fairy, some like a warrior.

Play tired, the children fell asleep between full of fragrance of flowers.

Children's good play my imagination, to one day be able to live in such a children's day.