


更新时间:2024-05-24 00:41:30




我就要小学毕业了,你一定很想知道我的学习如何,成绩怎么样吧?我 告 诉你吧,在期中中,我的数学答的让我很不满意,让我感到很失望,语文和英语还可以都是90分往上,我们老师说这次期末考试要是都考好了,给我们每个人都发一个三好学生的奖状,那一张还未出现的奖状一直在我的心中鼓舞我不断努力,指引我前进。






Open the biography of the famous, in the introduction of the first paragraph: "the air around us is heavy. The old man's Europa was unconscious in a climate of turbidity and corruption, and the vulgar materialism repressed the thought and obstructed the actions of the government and individuals. Society dies in a perverse, self-serving selfishness, and mankind breathes and breathes. Open the window! Let the free air come back! Breath the breath of heroes."

It is obvious that Roman Roland should use heroic spirit to correct the age bias. The real hero, the true greatness, is the pain and solitude, the struggle of the self with the invisible. In the same quote he added: "I am not a hero, I am a hero; And just by the great soul." He was the one who grasped the anguished mind of the hero and the great man, and took the triumph of overcoming adversity as a shining ruler of the hero. And his celebrity biography is revealed three suffering the heart of the hero biography in human history, they are great musician Beethoven, 19 th-century German Renaissance Italy famous sculptor Michelangelo, the Russian literary giant Leo Tolstoy.

"Resurrection" is another masterpiece, Tolstoy twilight Roman Roland said: "the wife, children, friends, and did not understand his enemy, all think that he is a Don Quixote, because they can't see him fight the enemy, in fact this is his own enemy."

"Tolstoy, do you live according to what you preach?" He answered painfully, "I am ashamed to die, I am a sinner, and I should be despised." Finally, at the age of 82, Tolstoy escaped from his home on a cold winter night and was ill in an unknown town. As he lay dying, he wailed and said to the people who were standing around him.

"Thousands of millions of lives are suffering; Why is everyone there taking care of Leo Tolstoy?"

In fact, Tolstoy's answer to the question of the living is also a response to the pain of the soul, where we have clearly heard Beethoven's joyful singing of life.

This is the eternal spirit of romance that romain rolland left us in the biography of the famous.





在网上,我查了一些资料,可没想到种族歧视在学校里也有。一个黑人去学校的`俱乐部玩,结果一进去就被白人投来歧视的目光,服务生对他说:“这里是私人场所,不欢迎你这个黑鬼,快出去!”看到这里,我觉得这些人太可恨了,他是黑人又怎么样?黑人也可以尽情的追求,追求人世间最美的一切,黑人也有自己的权利,“己所不欲,勿施于人”,他们是自由的,不能让自己自由了,而使别人受到压抑。黑人有什么错?向我们语文书中的黑孩子罗伯特,他为了就一个经常骂他的白人女孩丽莎,不惜把自己辛苦积攒的四十二元钱,捐给了丽莎。虽然,他们的皮肤是黑的,但他们的心灵是美的,我们不能歧视他们。黑人里也出了许多名人,像联合国秘书长安南,马丁 路德 金等等。特别是像安南,他可为中东的和平作出了巨大贡献。其实只要人人有一点关爱,种族歧视就会消声灭迹,莫道浮云终蔽日,人间总有关爱在,只有关爱才能让距离消失,没错,只要人人多一点爱,世界将会变成美好的明天!



This "celebrity biography" is about the tribulations and difficulties of the three famous men on the road to fame, from the power of persistence to the disintegration of power even to despair. They abandoned a lot of love and friendship on the way to fame. Finally, they set foot on the road to success.

The first is a belief that, suffering from pain, still does not put down music -- Beethoven. Although he was deaf, he said proudly, "listen to my heart music, you don't understand how I feel! A band can only play music that I expect to write in a minute!" Yeah! His music set of classicism is the beginning of romanticism, and its creation reflects the progressive thoughts of the rising period of the bourgeoisie.

Then a tragic, still sculptural belief - Michelangelo. His pain came from human malice. He was born to fight, to conquer! It is precisely because of this that his artistic creation has been deeply influenced, often with the realism of the civil class at the time of the patriotism and freedom of the struggle of the spirit of the painting. This kind of cup is presented in grand and magnificent form, and his hero is both an ideal symbol and a reflection of reality.

The last is a mirror that Lenin once called "the Russian revolution." Looking around Tolstoy's life, he was not only a literary giant, but also the narrative of life, religion, and society that made him a world-leading thinker. Tolstoy never laid down his obsession with the meaning of life.
