


更新时间:2023-12-06 17:03:30





“误入藕花深处,争渡,争渡!惊起一滩鸥鹭!”是你啊,李清照。你是宋代杰出的女词人,婉约派的代表。少女时期的你在河上游玩,却不想惊起了一滩鸥鹭。那时的你还是无忧无虑、天真烂漫的女子。丧夫之后,你心中哀愁,写下了“寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚”。 这次第,怎一个愁字了得!那时的你,再也没了天真烂漫。“生当作人杰,亦为鬼雄。”一个纤弱女子,却喊出如此慷慨雄健、掷地有声的豪言,敢问世间须眉几人可以匹敌?你,着实让我敬佩!








During the national day holiday, my mother took me to my aunt's house to play, i found a small aunt's dog gave birth to three puppies dog.

The dog's fur are very beautiful, they are diversiform fur, has a lovely little face; these puppies different personalities, some quiet; some fun; some like fighting.

There is a dog in a white transparent yellow fur with a piece of black hair, more fun is the corner edge has a black hair. because it looks like a little dog, so i call it. there is a dog looks very strange, black dog rounded rounded tail, in addition to white, whole body black, black eyes, black nose, without notice, thought that it has no eyes! because it looks out of the ordinary, i call it "the little dark monster".

I looked at the little guy, happy singing:" dog dog barking, don't let me feed you, become a dog to keep house, to protect my family into the thief.



● 不要从头至尾使用一种句型。

● 长短句结合。


I think …

I hope…

He does it.

He will take it



Because he is very much determined, he will carry it out this time. (原因

比较:He is very much determined. He will carry it out this time.


The weather being fine, a large number of people went sightseeing.

比较:The weather is fine. A large number of people went sightseeing.

Africa is the second largest continent, its size being about three times that of China.

比较:Africa is the second largest continent. Its size is about three times that of China.


To be or not to be, that is a question. (莎士比亚

To study or not to study, that is much different.(引申

To do it well, you must plan it well.

比较:You want to do it well. And you must plan it well.


Only when we fully recognize its importance can we have control of its essence.

比较:After we fully recognize its importance, we can have control of its essence.

No sooner had he arrived home than it began to rain.

比较:He arrived home. And it began to rain.


whether or not he will come is still unknown to all the people present.

比较:No one present knows whether he will come or not.

That he has done it all by himself is known to everyone.

比较:Everyone knows that he has done it all by himself.


●As a creature, every one knows.

●Actions speak louder than words.

●Practice makes perfect.