


更新时间:2024-05-29 03:18:59


"Celebrity biography" perfectly confirms the old adage of Chinese people: the people of ancient and modern times are not only talented but also resilient. Romain rolland holds the three artists in their respective fields together to restore the high morality of 20th century literature and restore its colorful character. Beethoven from flash light to enjoy the reputation of the peak to the bottom of your life, poor tragic from childhood to old age in the pursuit of happiness the twists and turns of life, just as the Roman. Roland described as "his whole life was like a thunderstorm day". From it, I realized that Beethoven has always been in the struggle against the fate, and ideological struggle, even though he gives a person a sense of pride, but his heart a fragile, a strong, are people who do not know him unable to dig. The passion for creating the perfect song, the dedication to seeking joy, and the perfect encounter, made his life become a force of nature. A primitive force between the rest of the ingredients of that kind of engagement with nature, the Homer epic spectacle ", he in his own misery in casting, joy "with joy" pain is sufficient to enrich his life. Michelangelo was not "he is powerful, he was born to fight, to conquer, and he conquered -- he did not win." That's not what he's looking for." He was a spiritual aristocrat, a genius, but he was troubled by genius, and his spirit and soul were powerless. This crazy spark exists in an overly effeminate body and mind that cannot control its terrible life. From this I can see that his life is a sacred pain

As long as we understand the "celebrity biography to our high sublimation, and make the hero of the blood is in front of us at the moment, the hero of the red flag flutters on our heads, we will feel slowly, in the people from the sublime, farewell, lofty and the mediocre society, our soul has also been sublimed as a.


2. 便羡慕天上高飞的鹰。

3. 村落房屋,像是被风儿携来的沙砾,闲散地搁置在平原处,歇息着旅程的劳累。仿佛再一阵风,便又会携了走,再不知落到何处。

4. 当群山越来越像一盆静止的水浪的时候,才想起寻找人的踪迹。

5. 而那静谧的山野,却千年万年的守候着。一样的山,一样的水,一样的春夏秋冬,一样的风景,重重迭迭、似曾相识。

6. 飞得越高,视野里所容纳的山便越多。

7. 果然,过了一会儿,在那个地方出现了太阳的小半边脸,红是红得很,却没有亮光。太阳像负着什么重担似的,慢慢儿,一纵一纵地,使劲儿向上升。到了最后,它终于冲破了云霞,完全跳出了海面,颜色真红得可爱。一刹那间,这深红的圆东西发出夺目的亮光,射得人眼睛发痛。它旁边的云片也突然有了光彩。

8. 或许,你是去过草原的。但,你没有和我一起去亲近过草原,没有。

9. 开时间的牵绊,邀阳光作伴,约清风同行,收拾起行囊,我们去亲近草原吧,去亲近辽阔无边的草原。

10. 可是,那心魄毕竟不是大地的,也不是天的。

11. 冷,天气依旧是那么冷。但阳光毕竟是和煦的。晌午,太阳朗照着大地。金色的阳光,洒浇在旷野和屋顶上,洒落在人们的肩膀上和脊背上。一股热乎乎的暖流在周身洋溢,头昏昏然的,骨头软软的,多么舒坦,多么惬意。

12. 那荷叶,大的似磨盘,有的舒展似伞,那荷叶上的\'水珠,有的像情人的泪珠,有的分散成细小的碎珠,在荷叶上滚来滚去,闪烁着斑斓的光彩,远远望去,在周围的翠绿的群山映衬下,在红红的晚霞映照下,那一团团的荷花,像一团团红云,一层层的丹霞,你看那一望无际的荷田,如胭如染,令人如入仙境。


"Freedom and progress are the goals of art, just as they are the goal of our whole life," said the great musician Beethoven.

This winter holiday, I read a great book - celebrity biography. The book touched my heart deeply. The author of celebrity biography is French romain rolland. The book is composed of three biographies of Beethoven, Michelangelo and Tolstoy.

Each of these three biographies enlighten me. One of the things that struck me most was Beethoven. Beethoven devoted his life to music, but fate always played a trick on him. He was sickly and sickly in his childhood. At the age of 3, hearing gradually declines, as a musician, this is a fatal blow, and his character, determined, does not bow to fate and continues to advance on the music road. Middle-aged, he hearing has completely recession, can only use to communicate with people, but this does not make him stop writing, but not to abandon all, into the arms of nature, continue to compose the immortal music chapter.

"Man, you must strive for yourself!" This is one of the words Beethoven tells people. Yes, people can't cling to vegetation, create life with tough, bold heart and create art! Read more book notes in YJBYS!