


更新时间:2023-12-12 21:01:50


Good morning,everybody.I am very glad to stand here and give you a speech.I'm Ren Wen,from Class 17.Well, the topic I'm going to deal with is ten years later.

I have celebrated my 18th birthday a month before.That means I'm no longer a little kid.It's time for me to think about my future.Mom once told me that I should make the most of my age to get as much knowledge as possible.So ten years later,I'll be probably pursuing my further study.Of course,I'll have enough confidence to get my degree.To tell you the truth,the incentive to study is always my mother's encouragement.I wish that I would never let her dowm.The society will be more competitive.There must be more difficulties during ten years.I really hope that I'll successfully conquer them,for it's a good opportunity to estabish myself.

But that's only a minor point.As you all know,a good life that basically drives me crazy.I like a variety of sports.I'll keep on doing exercise regularly.I shall be an refined woman with long hair.By then,I'll find a man who really knows me at all.We'll live together,talk together and travel together.We'll share the laughter, the pain and even the tears.We are going to build up a world of our own,no quarrel but happiness.And from time to time,I'll pick up my violin and play it with a sweet emotion.I like it that my surroundings are full of music.

Well,that's a rough description of my life.There's ten years to go.Anyway,it's a long way.I don't mind whether these dreams come into reality or not.What I care is the process.Just keep on fighting till the end,and I'll be a success!

Thank you!





4、每个见习学生都写出了见习总结,都有不同的体会与感想。 本次认识实习达到了预先的实习目的,完成了实习任务,使学生对幼儿园和幼儿有了一个感性认识,对专业教育的开展和使学生形成稳定的专业思想起到了应有的作用。认识实习是学前教育专业一个不可缺少的实践教学环节,认真组织和高度重视实践教学是高职教育教学的办学特色和需要。只有抓好各教学阶段的实习,才能提高高职学前教育专业学生的职业能力,才能为高职教育的进一步发展起到应有的促进作用。


Ten years later, I thought that I will become a doctor, because may help many people, I want to go to Paris to live, heard that is very beautiful, I will live with I best friend in the apartment, at that time, the child did not need to go to school, they at home through the computer study, in my family also had the robot, might help us to do many housework, I in the future life will not need the money, because the thing could be free, I good anticipated that I the future life, I will wait not to be anxious!



我是3000年前的你,正生存于吨水,排出10吨黑液,对江河湖泊造成了严重的污染,而且仅造纸业每年“吃”掉的木材就有6000万立方米。印度尼西亚热带雨林面积已由原来的1。 2亿公顷 下降到0.95亿公顷,以后印度尼西亚热带雨林可能消失。





现在的我 李卓航
