


更新时间:2023-11-16 17:42:29


Dear parents,

“You always say that I am naive. In your eyes, I am always the little girl who will never grow up”. This is my favorite song and also the sound from the bottom of my heart. You made me feel so lucky to be your child. But I find our hearts getting further apart as time goes by.

You strictly forbid me to do entertaining activities even if I finished my homework, such as watching TV or playing computer games. Based on this, I couldn’t get any grade less than A. It is said that genius only means hard-working all one’s life. But I think combining exertion is the best way for learning.

The most important thing to me was that I feel frustrated for having few friends to confide in due to your strict rules. I can’t have a play date, participate in a school play or even choose my own extracurricular activities. Who will accept such a boring and troublesome person? I am just an ordinary girl who can’t stand loneliness, so I always feel contradictory.

On the one hand, I’m grateful to have you in my life, to disappoint you was the least I would do. On the other hand, what you asked for me made me felt like a puppet rather than a real person. I appreciated your efforts to pull me away from a self-indulgent life, but your obsessively extravagant strictness has pushed me into an isolated and insensible one. I need a little freedom so that I will concentrate on something I really interested in.

Father and mother, these words were hid in my deep heart for a long time. I love you, and I believe if you change some harsh rules. I will have a wonderful life.

Best wishes.

Yours, daughter


“ 哎哎哎,小朋友让……让……”一位四十开外的人骑着不受控制的自行车正朝我大嚷着。我萎靡不振,挫挫睡意朦胧的双眼,不耐烦的想着:谁啊?大清早就这么大呼小叫的,真是!我定睛一看,那位大伯正从“绿丹兰”那边的下坡骑着“战车”,犹如一头猛虎似的,向我冲来,还没等他把“开”说完,还没等我及时躲开,自行车的轮子已经碰到了我的膝盖…… 我精彩地来了个“第一次与大地亲密接触”,摔了个“四脚朝天”。

那位大伯连忙“驯服”那辆自行车,跑来连声像我道歉:“小朋友,对不起啊!你摔疼了没有?”我的屁股已经承受不了了,这地上的砖块凹凸不平,我看我这种“细皮嫩肉”可经不起这般折腾。 那位大伯把我扶起来,用亲切的口吻问我:“小朋友,你没事吧?”我微微摇了摇头。他见我这么“内向”,也就罢休了。我踉踉跄跄的往前走着,真倒霉,遇到这件事!



Beloved father:

It’s a long time no contacting with you since last e-mail. And I miss you so much. Recently I luckily turn to the third officer working on board MV Blue Whale,which is a container ship. I intend to introduce you what Ido on this big vessel in this letter.

I am the third officer working in the deck department. As you know, the third officer is responsible to the master for the proper performance of his assigned bridge watchstanding and navigational duties.

On board, my first daily work is wathckeeping from 8 to 12 and from 20 to 24. my second daily work is in charge of the maintance of the fire-fighting equipment and life-saving equipment. The third , I am also responsible for fire and boat drills, I have to design a muster list and make crew to know the best escape route clearly. Additionally, there are also some simple things I have to do in daily work. For example, I have to assist the Chief Officer in supervising cargo handling operation 、to measure the draft at the discretion of the Chief Officer or the Master、to assist the Master on the bridge with anchoring and mooring and unmooring operation is underway and so on.

In the end, I strongly believed that you must be very familiar with my special work through what I said. And I hope you can stand my back and make me stronger. We will have a reunion soon.

Your ,ZJH