


更新时间:2024-03-12 09:11:21


当我有不懂的.课业或知识时,这时候,网络就像一位神通广大的老师,上知天文下知地理,博古通今,没有什么问题难得了他,面对种种问题,都能一一帮我化解,可说是我的良师益友;当我觉得孤单无聊时,这时候,网络就像一位多年不见的老朋友,陪我聊天,陪我玩游戏,不管时间多晚,天气多遭,我们都能如影随形,永不 分开;当我想买东西时,这时候,网络就像一位超级推销员,要吃的、有吃的,要用的、有用的,各式各样的东西应有尽有,可说是:宅女不出门,能买天下物呀!虽然网络世界既方便又有趣,但有时他却像一只恶狼一样,一步一步让我们掉入陷阱,他用好玩的游戏,让我们荒废学业;用神奇的魔力,让我们迷失自己。甚至还 有人利用网络来犯罪,使得我们对于网络世界都抱持着半信半疑的态度。



Dear Jeff,

I'm Li Hua from Beijing I-Iongxing Middle School。 I'm very happy to learn that you're going to stay with my family while you're in Beijing。

While you are here, we'll provide you with a room of your own with a bed, a desk, a couple of chairs and a TV。 You'll also have your own bathroom。 Our school is quite close to our home。 So we could go to school together by bike。 At noon we'll eat at the school dining hall。 I'm sure you'll like the delicious Chinese food there,and enjoy talking with friends over lunch。 Classes in our school usually finish at 4 in the afternoon。 You can then join other students in playing ball games or swimming。 It'll be a lot of fun。

If you have any questions or requests, please let me know。 We'll try our best to make your stay here in Beijing a pleasant experience。

Best wishses !

Li Hua







李 华


The picture shows that a young boy said to his father that he was worried about the waste of nuclear, but the father said if you can empty the dustbin , you can do anything . So whatever we want to do ,we must do small things first before undertaking something big .

In contemporary society , many young people enjoy taking big , but they always can’t finish anything . Because details decide success or failure . If we don’t start from the minor matters , only do the big things , we may get nothing in the end . So do the small things first , and then , we can finish something perfectly without wasting our unnecessary energy .

As far as I’m concerned , doing small things first is very important . For example , if we want to live , we must do (转 载于:wWW.cSsYq.cOM 书业网some small things like cleaning the room , washing the clothes and so on , and then , we can make our life comfortable . So don’t ignore details , the details are the key to success.