


更新时间:2024-05-02 07:33:11


My cousin lives in the mountain. Every evening, the most beautiful thing there is the charming sunset.


Standing on the balcony, looking into the distance, is a rolling mountain, about 5 o'clock, the sun will quietly hide behind the mountain.


The sun is still so bright, as if forever young, never old. Gradually, the sun becomes red, and the earth, sky and clouds are also reflected by the sun.


The sun has only half of its face left. It seems to be reluctant to leave. It also wants to see the beautiful East.


一个心灵 美的人 用双眼去过滤世界,有得有失,不幸失比得多。因为当我捕捉到一些美的身影时,发现自己并没有打捞到那最具魅力的心灵之美。怅然之际,忧伤的心不禁唱出一首烙着忧伤的歌,但愿忧伤唱来也美丽。 一个别心灵美的人,儿童时代的一件件往事,随着岁月的流逝,在我的脑海中渐渐淡忘。


那是我读三年级的一个六月中旬的一天下午。放学了,我刚想回家,但是,六月的天空像孩子的脸一样说变就会变,刚才还是万里晴空。此时,却蒙上了一层阴影。忽然,一道闪电划破天空,发出霹雳的巨响,接着一个又一个地响遍大地,紧接着,大雨 瓢泼似的倾泻而下。望着外面的瓢泼大雨 ,我发愁了!心想:“爸爸各妈妈出去了还未回来,就连妹妹也跟着出去了,现在,谁能给我送伞呢?‘早知如此,又何必当初呢’这句话一点也没错。唉!我出门时也该带一把雨伞来啊!” 看见同学 们一个个陆续被接走,我的心更犹如火上添油,更加躁动不安。这时,个性急躁的我终于待不下去了,不管三七二十一就冲出雨帘,一个劲儿往回家的路奔去。突然,我滑倒在地,腿在地上擦伤了,看见自己这样狼狈的样子不由自主地哭了起来,“小弟弟,你干什么 哭啊!”一句话从背后传来,我回头一看,原来是一位身材魁梧的在哥哥打着雨伞在我身后。 那位在哥哥走了前来问:“小弟弟,你没雨伞吗?”我点了点头,大哥哥笑了笑,伸出了一只手说:“我送你回家吧!”年纪还小的我不懂事,只知道妈妈说的话――小心坏人,不要随便让人送你回家,所以我并没有伸手出去。那位大哥哥却看透了我的心思,笑着说:“小弟弟,别怕,我不是坏人。”说完,他又伸出手来,我??然地拉着他的手站了起来。

这时,我的腿在流着。那位大哥哥看见了急忙说:“你受伤了,得赶快包扎,我背你回家吧!你告诉我你家在哪里。”“在某某路17号”我小声说着。 那位大哥哥背着我走在路上,雨伞下的我,身子很冷,但是心里却是暖烘烘的。回到家,那位大哥哥就拿了一些纸,把我的伤口擦干净,然后找了一些药敷伤口上,接着他就走出门口,身影渐渐消失在雨帘里



The Father and His Son

Father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarrelling among themselves. When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations, he determined to give them a practical illustration of the evils of disunion; and for this purpose he one day told them to bring him a bundle of sticks. When they had done so, he placed the faggot into the hands of each of them in succession, and ordered them to break it in pieces. They each tried with all their strength, and were not able to do it.

He next unclosed the faggot, and took the sticks separately, one by one, and again put them into their hands, on which they broke them easily. He then addressed them in these words: "My sons, if you are of one mind, and unite to assist each other, you will be as this faggot, uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies; but if you are divided among yourselves, you will be broken as easily as these sticks."




“Why need our care?’

“Because from then on the aunt cannot do what they liked to along with her daughter. She is very pitiful. In her distress, making dinners and doing chores are also becoming so difficult. My dear, can you help Mother hit an idea to help the aunt in other ways?”

At her mother’s proposal, the girl thought for a long while. All of a sudden, she went to the neighbor and knocked at the door.

The neighbor with a look of haggardness and tiredness opened the door.

“What can I do for you?” asked the neighbor.

“I heard my mother say you’re very distressed for losing your daughter…” The girl timidly handed the band-aid tightly held in her hand to the neighbor.

The neighbor suddenly choked with sobs, her tears gushing from her eyes. She hugged the girl and said, “Thank you. This band-aid will cure my wound.”













