


更新时间:2024-06-05 12:06:01


My holiday si happy 。No school, no class. This life is the most beautiful。I very Iike My holiday。 Because it is happy.in holiday.。During the holiday, I will go every day to and my friends go out to play, we play are very happy, I am very happy. We will go to the library to read a book, this is the most I like doing. I will play the game together with father, and the father when playing the game very happy。I will help my parents to clean the room every day, my parents it is happy.every day。I Iike my holiday.


This holiday is very interesting. When walking on the street, the advertisements are full of walls. People walking across the street must stop to see the noticeable advertisements, and the funny words cant help laughing.

First look at the first advertisement on the side of the east wall. \"Why not slow\" brand cough cough syrup for children, look, what, this advertisement some taste it to see this, advertisers, who do not want to buy a bottle. Now the business can really do, using the homonym of idioms to do advertising, really one stone, one word, a word, cattle.

And then look at the southeastern ad. \"Haste is not\", look, do you know what it means? Is to say, the shower time is too short, can not achieve a certain purpose. Haha, shower or shower to shower the knowledge, a long time, that cant be soaked through. Hey, this ad is a bit of a taste.

And then look at the advertisement on the north side. \"Chicken can not lose, the flavor of the Roast Chicken, high quality and inexpensive, wow, this advertisement is too tempting. Here, who dont go and buy only Roast Chicken to snack. Really, \"chicken [machine] cant be lost, lost again.\"

Finally, look at the street east the hotel in front of the advertisement, \"Qing Ling Hotel\", do not look at these words, a look, a few words that glittering under the sign of \"the food package you high quality and inexpensive, eat whole foods [ten] [ten] beauty\", eat also want to eat\". Why, this advertisement is pretty good. The boss of this shop is really smart. He must be a knowledgeable person. If not, how can I think of using homophonic idioms to advertise? I believe the business of this shop must be very hot.

The present society is very diverse and colorful. With the progress of the times and the development of science and technology, the intelligence quotient of people is also getting higher and higher. Look, how beautiful the world is, how interesting it is.

This holiday is really full and interesting.



现在的孩子都是国际化视野了,什么圣诞节、情人节,时髦的光棍节,他们都很喜欢,而以前最隆重的春节就显得“年味”变淡了。 如今邻里间过门串门少了。在城里生活了足足二十年的我,如今明显地感觉到,都市里甚至是郊区,“年味”淡了很多。对于年味变淡的感受颇深。小时候过年,虽然吃得远不如现在,但邻居们过年期间都会串门拜年,孩子们可以串门到别人家吃好吃的,现在,串门拜年甚至在亲属间都少了许多。互联网时代交给我们一个如此方便快捷的时代,我们的手机,我们的电脑给我们带来了很多快乐,我们享受这一切,心安理得。没有人会抱怨互联网太快,人们只会抱怨网速有点慢,看视频更是有点卡。过年的`电话,原创短信也越来越少,一堆又一堆的群发短信,群发微信信息等等祝福的语言充满了整个界面,似乎总有那么多人在牵挂着你,也似乎被许多的朋友关心着。我们看似越来越近,其实是越来越远了,我们不再写信道思念,不再电话里絮叨身旁事,许多的话没有再说出口,许多的故事不再告诉彼此。如今交集越来越少,值得共享的人却好像越来越多。年夜饭下馆子,没了一家人忙活的快乐。




Today my mother and I go to shopping. We went to a big shop. There are many things. Something about playing, some about diet and some about work.

I like the book is very small, so I have to go to the bookstore. Oh, there are a lot of books. I like it very much. So I ask a mother: \"I can chice my favorite book?\" My mother said: \"good!\" \"Good! Thank you, mum!\" Im happy to buy some books!
