


更新时间:2024-06-15 11:58:26


"The journey to the cabin" is a touching story. It mainly tells the little boy Carle happened to come to a small house, see the little girl Allie, and they are always together, but they have a common desire to fly the house to the waterfall of heaven, but unfortunately, his wife died, and he guarded this one The house also met Russell the "Explorer", then the two of them met Kevin and Doug bird dog. There are all sorts of difficulties.

When it comes to the travels of Fei Yuan ring, it is loved by children, but I feel it and write it. In this cartoon, the producer must have paid a lot of sweat and energy, how vivid the character's expression is, and make the original static characters vivid. In the background, bright colors, bright and beautiful, let a person feel everything is so beautiful. In this cartoon, my favorite is Carle, who is not afraid of difficulty, danger, ambition, courage to face it, to be fearless, and to be optimistic. His spirit is worthy of my study.

"There is nothing difficult in the world, only the people who have the heart." We should all learn from Carle and Russell and learn their fearless spirit. During the rapid progress of the times, it was greatly publicized.


After reading the \"dream\" journey to the ring, I suddenly felt the most cruel of the emotion, not betrayal, not hatred, but forgotten. Whether it is the person loved you forget, or be forgotten by the person you love.

Think carefully, who will remember them if they do not have too much fame and achievement after their death. Isn\'t it us? We can only prove that they have existed.

If we forget them, whether they will really like movies, who, in the ultimate death?

Even though they are still alive, we seem to have too little concern for some relatives. Will they be forgotten and forgotten by their families someday?

When MIG returned to the human world, many people left tears in the movie theater when they sang \"remember me\" to miss AIKE when they forgot to pick up the guitar.

The film seems to be the theme of music. In fact, it wants to tell people that it is love. The end is very successful, but at the same time it has left a lot of thinking and a lot of memories and memories of the family.

The most powerful emotion in the world is to remember, as the phrase on the poster says, \"remember me before the memory of love disappears.\"


In this winter holiday, I saw the film-Coco. In the film there was a little boy named Miguel. He was twelve years old. He loved music and had a music dream, but his family thought the music was a curse, so he couldn’t play music at home.

One day, Miguel touched a magic guitar, which sent him to the land of the dead. If he wanted to return to his family among the living, he had to find his great-great-grand father and get his blessing before the sunrise. Then Miguel began his adventure on the land of the dead.

On the way, he met the great musician de la Cruz. Miguel thought de la Cruz was his great-great grandfather. In fact, de la Cruz killed his great-great-grandfather, got his music and became the great musician. Finally Miguel found his real great-great-grandfather, got his blessing and went back to the land of the living. He told all the things to his family and he could play music now.

I like this film because everyone has their dream. I believe as long as we try hard and hold onto it, our dream will come true.















After Viewing Impressions about Travel Notes of A f Fying House

Last Sunday , I saw a movie named Travel notes of a flying house.This movie is very interesting and I like it very much.

The movie mainly talked about that a little boy with a flying dream grew with a little girl with the same dream,and then they got married,grow old together. Until the hostess Eli dead, didn't they finish the flying dream of wonderland waterfall. Finally one day, the 78 years old’s Mr Carr built a flying home, flew away to the fairyland waterfall, and there occurred many amazing and moving stories.

The film, tells me three truth. First of all, people should have a dream and pursuit.Only in this way will you have spirit,as for the single-minded pursuit of dreams and perseverance, then do you have a fight. Secondly, the difficulties are not invincible, but you have not the courage to face, to challenge.I believe that as long as face them bravely, you will be able to get victory and successful.

Finally, there is nothing more powerful than the power of love.when are we in the most difficult time, only the family, let us all unite with each other, let us be fearless, and so as to win.