
my role model英语作文六年级女孩(a role model 作文 六年级)

my role model英语作文六年级女孩(a role model 作文 六年级)

更新时间:2024-05-18 06:48:37
my role model英语作文六年级女孩(a role model 作文 六年级)

my role model英语作文六年级女孩【一】

春天里的某个星期六,我迈着轻快的脚步去找徐梦云玩。一到她家,我就看见她在干活,便用清脆的声音喊道:“徐梦云!”当她抬起疑惑的眼睛,对上我那真诚的眼瞳时,她笑了,笑得是那样自然,简单,不再是别人面前的“礼貌”。这种微笑,我想只有在我的面前才会有吧。“徐梦云,我们去田野里玩吧!” “嗯。”于是,当她干完家务活时,我挽着她的胳膊出门了。


这时,天空渐渐地变得阴沉沉的,雨点像断了线的珍珠一个个地落了下来。“徐梦云,我们回去吧?” “嗯。”我们并没有一路飞奔到家,而是慢慢地走着,享受着雨点的抚摸。“朱珠,我觉得这天空就像我的内心在哭泣,真的。”我知道,她在伤感,沉浸在不堪回首的往事中。我故作调皮地说:“哎呀,不要这么伤心了。”而她,却以苦笑来回应我,我很清楚,那笑容里饱含了怎样的情绪。她苦涩地说:“我是不是做错了什么……” “不!你什么也没有做错!错的是她,是她不懂得珍惜你!放弃了你,是对她的损失!你要坚强起来,快乐地生活着。千万要记住,你还有我,有爸爸,有弟弟,永远都是这样。我会一直陪着你,陪你一起寻找快乐,一起分享快乐!”她怔了怔神,我笑着拥抱她,当我放开她的时候,她说:“你说得对,我要坚强,我还有你!”我们俩都哭了,可都不愿抹去这泪水,因为这泪水承载的东西太重了。“来,你的朋友借你一个肩膀靠一靠!”

我们一起坐在路边的石凳上,她的头轻轻地靠在我的肩上,我怜惜地看着她。一滴雨点不经意地落进我的嘴里,一股伴着纯真的甜味涌上心头。我觉得我好快乐!这种从未感受过,也就在这天,使我混沌的心豁然开朗。我不知道为什么会这么快乐,也许是因为有个这样傻傻的朋友,她的一切都填满了我的心!快要毕业了,我曾经问过她一个很自私的问题:“如果你能够考上重点中学,而我却没有,你愿意为我放弃这么宝贵的机会吗?” “当然了!”她


my role model英语作文六年级女孩【二】

My chinese teacher is Miss Huang. She is beautiful. She wears glasses. She always helps us study and.Music is her favourite. Eevrybody likes her because she has a kind heart.

Miss Lu is our math teacher. She,s very active and smart. She has tress. She,s young and pretty. She,svery strict,but kind. Her class is so much fun.My favourite teacher is Mr Lai. He is our English teacher. He has two small eyes and big mouth. He wears a pair of glasses, too. Because he is a university student. He,s very humoar. He speaks English very well.we like him so much.They are my teachers. Do you like them?

Thank you

my role model英语作文六年级女孩【三】

Hi! Boys and girls! My name is kelly,I am 12 years old. I am a student. I study at XiShan Primary School.I am in Class 1,Grade 5.I have three good teachers. They are Mr Lai, Miss Huang and Miss Lu.

My chinese teacher is Miss Huang. She is beautiful. She wears glasses. She always helps us study and.Music is her favourite. Eevrybody likes her because she has a kind heart.

Miss Lu is our math teacher. She,s very active and smart. She has tress. She,s young and pretty. She,svery strict,but kind. Her class is so much fun.My favourite teacher is Mr Lai. He is our English teacher. He has two small eyes and big mouth. He wears a pair of glasses, too. Because he is a university student. He,s very humoar. He speaks English very well.we like him so much.They are my teachers. Do you like them?

Thank you

my role model英语作文六年级女孩【四】

How time flies! Three years has passed. I will graduate from junior high school. I will enter a new school to study. What will my new head teacher be like?I imagine that she/he is not only young but also beautiful/handsome. She/He maybe both patient with us and kind to us. She/He is also strict with us. I hope she/he is outgoing. She/He can understand us and make friends with us. If she/he likes doing sports, we can play together after class. She/He can get moreknowledge from her/him.I am looking forward to seeing her/him!





my role model英语作文六年级女孩【五】






My Classmate

Liu Kai is my classmate. He is a good student and always ready to help others.

One day on his way to school, he saw a little girl crossing the road. A car was coming towards her quickly and the girl was too frightened to move. The car nearly hit her. Just then LiuKai rushed up to her and caught her by the arm. The little girl was saved. She told him where she lived, and he took her home. When LiuKai hurried into the classroom, the teacher had already begun his lesson. He told the teacher why he was late. He was then praised for what he had done.