


更新时间:2024-06-03 05:46:10






The picture shows that a young boy said to his father that he was worried about the waste of nuclear, but the father said if you can empty the dustbin , you can do anything . So whatever we want to do ,we must do small things first before undertaking something big .

In contemporary society , many young people enjoy taking big , but they always can’t finish anything . Because details decide success or failure . If we don’t start from the minor matters , only do the big things , we may get nothing in the end . So do the small things first , and then , we can finish something perfectly without wasting our unnecessary energy .

As far as I’m concerned , doing small things first is very important . For example , if we want to live , we must do (转 载于:wWW.cSsYq.cOM 书业网some small things like cleaning the room , washing the clothes and so on , and then , we can make our life comfortable . So don’t ignore details , the details are the key to success.


How are you? Yesterday was my birthday. I had a party .Many friend came to my party.I got many gifts .Ben gave me a game.Lisa gave me a toy car.Peter gave me a pen.They were very nice.My dad gave me some lucky money.My mam bought a big cake for me.She also cooked a lot of tasty food.We sang a song we blew the candles.After that,we ate the cake .Then we had a big meal.I had a good time.What a happy day!What about you?Please write to me.Good buy!













感谢错误,因为忧伤之余,你发现,再远的征程都挡不住自己归家的.脚步。在那遥远的地方有一间精神小屋是完全属于你的。它等了好久,等你把它当成温暖的家。 执一卷诗词,觅一缕春愁,从陆放翁的满城春色里缓缓走来。他心中的沈园,是个凄美的错误。“东风恶,欢情薄。”与唐婉表妹的错误,成了铁男儿一生的柔软的遗憾。伤心桥下春波绿,曾是惊鸿照影来。或许,这个凄美的错误用天各一方的距离让他们的心紧贴在一起。

“错错错!”幸福,如果唾手可得,便体现不出金子般的价值。那个在沈园,在《钗头凤》里演绎了千年的错误,直到今天还可以将泪水唤回我们的眼睛。 掬一捧江水,寻一份豪气,从苏东坡的大江东去里缓缓走来。他眼中的赤壁,是个壮美的错误。东坡的一生,本来就受到许多错误的对待。释舟楫之安,而服车马之劳,弃雕梁之美,而居松茅之椽。在不公的命运里,他尚且吟啸徐行,这小小的赤鼻矶,又何足挂齿?错误的地点遇上不错的人,错误的地点引发不错的诗情。很多时候,我们只是在为情感找一个载体。不必太在意载体的对错,只要能让你向着天地高昂起灵魂的旗帜,便已足够。你还在为小小错误纠缠不清吗?且看东坡壮怀激烈,歌大江东去。 在这个过分讲究是非对错的时代,有些不伤原则也不伤大雅的小错误,恰恰成就了人生的美丽。

美丽的错误,让你拥有砰然心动的巧合,让你珍惜生命里的点点滴滴,让你包容命运中深深浅浅的缘分。 生命,本是一潭静水,小小的错误,像是照影的鸿雁,只用羽翼轻轻一点,便留下了美丽的涟漪。


Do you ever watch movies from other countries? Whenever I do, I think about how similar people really are all around the world. Even though the cultures and languages in those movies are different from mine, people all around the world are alike in their goals and emotions.

One time, I saw a movie made in china that showed parents helping their children with their homework. . My parents helped me the same way. Another time I saw a movie from Argentina. It showed school children playing hide and seek, which is a game I used to play with my friends during recess. Seeing these films demonstrated to me that education is a common goal in every country. Parents want their children to learn so their lives will improve. It also showed me that children in schools everywhere wants to play with their friends. Sometimes the games are similar to ours and sometimes they’re different. Still, they all have the common purpose of fun and learning to work together.

Earning a living is another common goal. I’ve often seen that in movies about other countries. In some countries, people choose their careers from what they like and are good at. In other countries, careers are chosen for them following the traditions of their families. But in every country it seems that people care a great deal about earning a living, and working hard is respected.

Showing people having fun together is always an important part of any movies, no matter what country it comes from. People everywhere want to be entertained, and want to spend time with their families and friends. Different cultures sometimes enjoy different activities, but all cultures enjoy some form of sports, music and dancing.

The movies I’ve seen make it clear to me that no matter the cultural differences between countries, people everywhere have the same basic needs and goals.