


更新时间:2024-03-09 19:22:01


要很好的达到教学目标就要求老师在课前认真的做教学设计。好的教学设计就是达到教学目标的正确道路。教师要灵活运用教材对教材可根据实际删减或增加。这句话说的容易,我们不但要了解自己的学生,更要深度吃透文本和挖掘文本。例如Unit 9 What can I do? 《湖南少儿出版社》如果学生的程度一般就以What can I do?You can...。为主来进行处理。如果学生的程度高就可以扩展到PART G What shall we do with…联系生活,告诉学生当别人遇到困难时怎么办。如老奶奶过马路,同学生病等。倡导能力所及的见义勇为。这样一堂课学生收获良多。老师也不会觉的无话可说。同时课文PART G得到了深度挖掘,灵活运用了教材。在第二章第七节(鲜明的教学特色)里,看到了刘老师在一堂Read and Write课型中,只要生掌握 home、room、school、classroom四个单词,内容简单而又枯燥,但刘老师对教材进行整理时结合学生的生活实际,使教学内容生活化,学生们感到很亲切,有实实在在的东西可让他们参照,可让他们表达,而不像我们平时上课时只用几张图片了事,教学效果相差很大。从课例中可以看到刘老师在备课时的灵活性,使教学内容更贴近学生生活,成为学生关心的、感兴趣的话题,使教学获得了满意的效果。又如通过对邱老师和王老师两堂课例的对比,使我懂得了一堂好课不仅仅满足于学生知识的获得,更要充分发挥师生双方在教学中的主动性和创造性,选用有效的教学方法,培养学生积极的.学习态度,改变“读书,读书”的问题,促进学生自主学习。


When students finish their high school, most of them will to go study in college, the first thing they do is to choose the major. Choosing the major is a big problem for every college student, not only for Chinese students, but also for the students around the world. Students will face the factors such as their interest is more important or the future of the major worth being first concerned.


On the one hand, most parents care about the future of the major. When students decide the major, parents will interfere with their own opinion, they want their children can have a bring future, so they care much about the needed talent of the society. Thus the children can find a promising job and earn more money.


On the other hand, students want to choose the major that they are interested. This is often contradicting with their parents’ opinion. Some students want to learn art, but most parents won’t be allowed it because it is hard for students to find a job. Everyone admits that interest is the first factor, with it, students will feel happy.


When choosing the major, students should considerate their parents’ opinion, most parents are open-minded, they will respect the kids’ willingness.



Take your time

For thousands of years, animals have trodden a slow path, their spirits together with the body. But our human being's transportation is too fast. The body moves but the soul is left behind. We try to free ourselves in convenience, but we only imprison the soul. Since we invented how to count hours, we do everything to short the time, short the deadline. But the time saved can't be shorten. Nowadays, we spend lots of time staying in front of a TV just changing the channels, while we have no time to talk with a good friend or play with our family. We have plenty of time to search old news on the internet, while we hardly think about our life. In the end, the only thing apparent is our loneliness.

Take your time, please. Try to follow the natural steps and have your own clock. Try to share your time with everybody you love, share your mind, your happiness and sadness. Try to read the world we live in, do not only catch a quick glimpse at the society.Someday, when we know how to spend every second in our life, we can then live our own life.











Withthe rapidly development of electronic technology, the paperless office isbasically realized. We have fewer and fewer opportunities to write, as aresult, we always forget how to write the characters. Moreover, the casualexpression from internet makes us confused about the real meaning of theChinese characters. some people think that while we already have a convenienceway to express ourselves, we do not need to write anymore, well,i could not agree with that.


Becausethe cell phone has shortcut input method and the computer typing could correcterror automatically, this can not be the reason to refuse to write. In the firstplace, Chinese characters has been used for over 6000 years, it is the spiritand soul of a nation, we should be proud of it rather than not to write itanymore.


Inthe second place, we could cultivate ourselves when we are writing. Forinstance, masterful calligraphy can be rated as superb works of art, we feelsomething special link to art while we are writing. It is this magical thing thatelectronic technology can not do.


Inthe third place, even though the technology bring us great convenience, westill in the situation that have to write. It could be embarrassing that youforget how to write when you were asked.


Finally, Chinese characters are our spirit of culture, we shouldremember how to write it, and write it good.
