


更新时间:2024-05-11 02:44:37


A Wolf that had been bitten by a Dog, and was in a very sad case, being unable to move, called to a Sheep that was passing by, and begged her to fetch him some water from the neighboring stream. "For if you," said he, "will bring me drink, I will find meat myself." "Yes," said the Sheep, "I make no doubt of it; for, if I come near enough to give you the drink, you will soon make mince-meat of me."


Some Geese and some Cranes fed together in the same field. One day the sportsmen came suddenly down upon them. The Cranes being light of body, flew off in a moment; but the geese, weighted down by their fat, were all taken.

In civil commotions, they fare best who have least to fetter them.


A hare jeered at a tortoise for the slowness of his pace .But he laughed ,and said that he would run against her and beat her any day she would name ."Come on ," said the hare ,"you will soon see what my feet are made of ."So it was agreed that they should start at once .The tortoise went off jogging along ,without a moment's stopping ,at his usual steady pace .The hare treating the whole matter very lightly ,said he would first take a little nap ,and that she should soon overtake the tortoise .Meanwhile ,the tortoise plodded on ,and the hare ,oversleeping herself ,arrived at the goal ,only to see that the tortoise had got in before her .

Slow and steady wins the race.







Expository writing, is used for introducing and explaining the article of the things or reason by way of proving in order to mainly express. It occupies quite important position in the Chinese teaching of middle school. But from traditional teaching, when we feel teaching expository writing, the atmosphere of the classroom is stagnant water and a pool, students are drowsy, the teaching result can be well imagined. So what a teaching method of improving the expository writing, improving students interest to study expository writing, it is the important subject that the gentle teacher of language of middle school is studying and probing into constantly. This text will combine the psychological characteristics about the middle school student in psychology, according to the Chinese syllabus of middle school, on the basis of explaining content of courses of expository writing in an all-round way, discuss especially how to overcome the psychological obstacle that students think the expository writing stiff, uninteresting, arouse students enthusiasm to study expository writing, several kinds of methods to improve teaching result of the expository writing.

Key words: Expository writing; Teaching and Learning; Interest; Result


A Wolf had got a bone stuck in his throat and in the greatest agony ran up and down, beseeching every animal he met to relieve him, at the same time hinting at a very handsome reward to the successful operator. A Crane, moved by his entreaties and promises, ventured her long neck down the Wolf's throat, and drew out the bone. She then modestly for the promised reward. To which the Wolf, grinning and showing his teeth, replied with seeming indignation: "Ungreateful creature! to ask for any other reward than that you have put you head into a wolf's jaws and brought it safe again!"

Those who are charitable only in the hope of a return must not be surprised if in their dealings with evil men, they meet with more jeers than thanks.