


更新时间:2024-05-27 12:22:34


November **, ****

To Whom It May Concern:

This is to confirm that Mr. Li Dashui has worked as a full-time system analyst in the NY University since Jun 1994(or This letter is to verify that Mr. Li Dashui worked as an chemist from July 1993 to Sept. 1994. Mr. Lis main duties and responsibilities are as follows:

Design, develop and install various computer hardware, software and network systems for banks.

Determine and analyze the requirements of each system project into related componets solved through the application of computer technology.

Write specifications for computer programs, and test and implement programs for network systems and control systems.

Supervise computer programmers and other system analysts for paticular system projects.

Mr. Li has mainly taken part in the following projects:

The first engineering design of city general business computer network system.

Upgrading banks system for IBM AS/400 E45 to IBM AS/400 320, IBM AS/400 530.

The design development and test of city general business computer network system.

The design and development network and database systems for the Golden Credit Card Project.

Mr. Li is well experienced with IBM AS/400 system analysis, TCP/IP protocol, SNA protocol and LAN; proficient in RPGIII, VB, C/C++ and DB2, and skilled in UNIX, Informix, Client/Server etc.

Mr. Li is a hard-working and talented analyst, and is highly respected member in our company. If you need further information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely yours, Singature, Zhang Jianguo

Senior Engineer and Technical Manage Company Name, Address, Tex Fax


Beijing time, in the early morning of August 5th, Sun Yang defend title successfully with the score of 14 points 41 seconds 15 in 2013 swimming world championships men's 1500 meter freestyle finals. This is the third gold medal in this tournament for Sun Yang as well as the fifth goal of China’s swimming, which is slower 10 second 13 than the result of the London Olympic Games when Sun Yang achieves the champion. Sun Yang uses the score of his fifth goal in his career life to tie with the medal record that Luo Xuejuan keeps in the Chinese swimmer World Championship. He also becomes the person after Hackett in the 2005 Montreal World Championships and a single tournament winning the gold medal of “the king of long distance " in men’s 400, 800 and 1500 meter freestyle.

北京时间8月5日凌晨,2013年游泳世锦赛男子1500米自由泳决赛,孙杨以14分41秒15的成绩赢得金牌成功卫冕,这是孙杨本届赛事第三枚金牌,也是中国泳军收获的第五金,这一成绩比伦敦奥运会夺冠时慢了10秒13。 孙杨也以生涯五枚金牌的成绩,追平罗雪娟保持的中国游泳选手世锦赛夺金纪录,并且成为继哈克特在2005年蒙特利尔世锦赛后,又一位单届赛事包揽男子400、800和1500米自由泳金牌的“中长距离之王”!


"Transformers" is a famous movie, and I like transformers very much, and I hear friends say, "transformers 3 is on! Let's go and see! I immediately shouted my mother to take me to see.

I love transformers. There are several factors: 1. The task in the movie is very handsome. I have a good feeling towards robots. It is one of my dreams to make robots like transformers. 2. The stories inside very awesome are very attractive, especially when the car people are engaged with their enemies. It's these two things that make me like transformers. When I finished, I realized that transformers were not just robots, they were sentient aliens, and they knew everyone's attitude towards them. And earth people "leader" (check the officials of the transformers, position is higher, has the right to decided to expel or received transformers but them as evil star expelled them, thought that this will make it a group of the royal predators of rebellion was left earth, return to their planet. However, it is not humanly possible to say that the enemy decides to occupy the earth, and finally, optimus prime, and so on, to save the earth. So, I feel that since the transformers are difficult, we should help them.

The plot of the film, I most like is only one, the plot is very touching, optimus prime to war with the royal predators of rebellion, royal predators to optimus prime's arm to chop down, also want to give optimus prime to kick into the river, and quite fearless, optimus prime marched with his left arm, trying to use his last straw to imperial enemies down and royal predators no weapons, tried to woo him with false, optimus no doubt late, pick up the shotgun, to kill royal predators. Finally, the sky back to clear, it seems that the battle is just a gust of wind, blowing will blow in the past, optimus prime's hand may not be able to restore, may also be involved in the life, the alien in unrelated people were killed when the earth, with them are willing to use high-tech to protect us, defeat the enemy, but we are in power, can protect them, but I found reason to evict them, so, I am a little sorry for the people in the movie, if they really shocked, never to return, we human beings could be a slave to these aliens with inexhaustible.

The film tells us to study their personality, to friends, no matter how much they were ruthlessly hurt us, but they are our friends, in a friend, when it should help them, don't learn check officials, for their own interests, damage once how trusted friends to you.


Dear Sir/Madam:

As a teacher at xxxx school, I am writing to provide you a recommendation for Miss/Mr.xx so as to help you assess her/his application for acceptance into your program and consideration for financial aid.

Considered a promising student with originality and sophistication in her/his thinking, (she/he was asked, in the spring semester of 2008, to develop a subsystem of a DBMS project for her B.S.thesis, for which I was the chief leader. T

his subsystem was designed to manage the information of materials in NO.1 Foundry Plant of Dongfeng Auto Works.To do the job, she/he read many books about software engineering and took some courses in Database Principles and Management. Keenly aware that the design of a DBMS decides the quality of the whole software system, she did her/his utmost from the beginning of the project.(参加过什么活动. From analyzing users requirements to designing the whole system, from the detailed designing to the final programming, she was very level-headed and full of innovation every step of the way. Taking full advantage of her ability and creativity, she firmly focused herself on her objective and gnored all distractions. She successfully reached her goal. In the final software testing, only a few bugs were found in her subsystem. My appreciation of her talelent was thus confirmed.Miss is a very personable woman, friendly and helpful, and she has always been a team player in her work.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could give her application for candidacy to your Ph.D. program favorable consideration. Should you need any further information in your deliberation, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely xxxx


I have a great mother. She cares much about me in my life and study.

In the morning, she gets up early to make breakfast for me. When I was little, she prepared my schoolbag. But now, she tells me to do it by myself. Because she thinks I have been old enough to do it. Besides, she always checks my homework. When I finish my homework, she checks it and points out the mistakes. She is very careful and helps me a lot.

I love my mother.