


更新时间:2024-04-24 18:40:00




One of the most crucial reasons for my view is that we could (canhave more opportunities to realize our dreams in the process of moving between places. As a young man(young men, we are all eager for success. However the road to (approach towardsuccess is so hard that we have to make great efforts. We must possess many aspects, including(去掉 outstanding intelligence, excellent education, rich experience and certainly good luck, most of which are acquired only by insistently pursuing, besides (andstudiously striving in different cities(if necessary. I can take one of my friends for instance. In order (toreceive the best education, after graduating from the senior school, he left his hometown to a remote city, BEIJING. But four years later, to looking for a better job, he left BEIJING and come to SHENZHEN, a beautiful city in his dream. Now his new goal is to enter American B-School to acquire (ofmore advanced knowledge in financing. We can see, in just about ten years, he has moves three times, and what is more(more importantly, this moving sill continue. Actually, in contemporary society more and more people are as this(act like him .

Another essential fact why (reason whyI hold my view is that we can enjoy a more rich and colorful (richer and more colorfullife, as we change places we live in. For my part, enjoying life is as important as, if not more important than, devoting work(hard working. It is a pleasing thing in the holiday to visit beautiful sceneries in different places. My friends mentioned in the last paragraph(before, has visited the snow scene in the north, and the widely (widesea in the south.

Admittedly, we cannot neglect the virtues (ofspending the entire life in one place. People can attained (attainthe feeling of family to their community, and the relationships between people are closer. Nevertheless moving between cities perhaps is more attractive to young persons than staying in one place thorough their lives.

From all the reasons mentioned above, it is not difficult to get the conclusion that if it is possible, I would move a number of times throughout my lives to look for the best job, house or climate I am eager for.






xx同志自进入入党培养考察以来认真学习马列主义毛泽东思想,邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想,学习党的十六大和四中全会精神,政治上与党中央保持一致坚决拥护党的路线方针,政策,该同志在班级担任 职务,工作认真负责在各项活动中起良好的带头作用,在学习生活中 同志能努力按照一名共产党员的标准严格要求自己,尊敬师长,关心同学,乐于助人,生活俭朴,处世得当,具有较好群众基础,学习努力成绩优良,学习态度端正,该同志积极向党组织靠拢,经常主动向党组织汇报自己的思想,入党动机端正。积极表现认真学习党的先进思想理论与方针政策用先进的理论指导实践,同时也应该意识到自身存在的不足,群众批评与自我批评相结合,找出自身的缺点,多多团结身边的同志,争取共同进步。


xx同志在更方面都有了较大的进步,学习生活中,能够联系群众,本着全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,热心助人,在专业课程的学习中刻苦努力,有明确的学习目标,在同学当中树立了良好的榜样,但是,还应该看到 同志在自身性格的历练方面应多多加强,待人接物应更加热情开朗,做事也应更加大胆泼辣,争取自身的全面突破


xx同志较前段有更大的进步,这段时间内 同志认真参加党支部的各项活动,积极学习三个代表重要思想的深刻内涵,应用先进的方法论指导实践,在理论上不断充实完善自己,在学习生活中,用一名共产党员的标准严格要求自己,团结同学,热爱生活,在同学当中树立了良好的典范,在今后的'学习当中,应注意培养独立思考的能力,多关注时事,政治敏锐性与把握大局的能力有待加强同志取得了很大的进步, 同志积极向党组织靠拢,积极表现,有意识地培养自己作为一名共产党员应有的基本素质,继续加强理论方面的学习,在实践中不断完善与超越自我,在学习与生活中,全面学习平衡提高,继续发扬自身的优点,团结同志,共同进步,希望能持之以恒,在今后的学习生活中,应多做自我剖析。该同志入党动机端正,政历及现实表现清楚,没发现任何问题,团组织推荐和群众座谈会意见反映良好,基本具备共产党员标准。


