


更新时间:2024-05-28 19:38:53







在课堂上老师已经给我们介绍了一部分,我是在课后看的,我这次看的是电影版的,电影版的好处就是让观众能更好的感受到电影中魅影场景的幽深和扣人心弦,而且对于演员有更多的发挥空间,对观众来说也是更加的真实。里面的场景大多是在剧院里面,而且还有一部剧中剧《汉尼拔》。很多的对话都是以歌唱的形式展开的。很多耳熟能详的曲调如,angle of music,the music of the night。曲调优美,轻缓,给人的一种感觉就是在飘,轻松,愉悦的心情涌上心头。但是有一点,我觉得里面人物对话的英语好像不是很好,很蹩脚。不知是导演有意为之还是怎么。


女主角Christine在里面的表演好像是很神奇的,刚开始的时候没有被看重,后来由于临时情况的变动,让她主唱,一夜成名一样,就像西方的丑小鸭一下子变成了把天鹅一样。还有当有人问她, 是谁教会她这么美妙的歌喉的时候,她却说不知道,并提起她去世了的父亲曾经提到过一个“音乐天使”(Angel of Music会来保护并指导她。

这个“音乐天使”就是“魅影”。( 我觉得魅影是一个演出的很好的角色。首先他很好的表现了一个少年时受到了折磨和不公正待遇的心理扭曲。但是他很有才华,不仅是在音乐上的造诣,还有很多的机关的设计,他自己居住地方的设计。他的身上折射出一种逼人的贵族气质。在很多的场合,他显得自己很自大,自负,以为自己就是神,就是主宰。他对女主角Christine的爱也是疯狂的,他为Christine创作优美的音乐、华丽的歌剧、教导她歌唱、训练她的舞姿。帮助她成为一个令整个巴黎倾倒的女神。最后为了占有她而发出疯狂的报复。





When it comes to spy thrillers, Tony Gilroy knows the game. The formula for a crackling entry into this genre is simple enough: keep the action moving and the twists coming, then engage in one late innings sleight of hand that pulls the rug out from under everything. Gilroy, with an adroitness Hitchcock might admire, works admirably in this arena, turning in a screenplay that's more diabolical and pulpy than his convoluted directorial debut, Michael Clayton, but no less fun. He maximizes his assets, and considering the wattage of his stars, they are considerable. Although one could not consider the plot for Duplicity to be air-tight, the holes are small enough for things to remain afloat until after the proceedings have ended. A post-movie dissection on the way home in the car will reveal some obvious plotting problems.


"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" — The sixth movie in J.K. Rowling's fantasy series about the young wizard is the franchise's best so far, blending rich drama and easy camaraderie among the actors with the visual spectacle that until now has been the real star.

The hocus-pocus of it all nearly takes a back seat to the story and characters this time, and the film is the better for that, brimming with authentic people and honest interaction — hormonal teens bonding with great humor, heartache that will resonate with anyone who remembers the pangs of first love. The movie escalates the peril for Harry (Daniel Radcliffe and his best pals, Hermione Granger (Emma Watson and Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint, while giving the threesome that first collaborated as prepubescent kids their best platform yet to show their maturing acting chops.

Director David Yates, who made the fifth film and is doing the final two, stays true to the Rowling recipe yet infuses it with a freshness and energy that make it seem like a new start, not the stale old chapter six it could have been. Harry's main challenge this time involves an assignment from headmaster Dumbledore (Michael Gambon to retrieve a critical memory that a new teacher (Jim Broadbent possesses about the evil Lord Voldemort.

Along with the splendid visuals, the movie offers stirring support from Alan Rickman, Helena Bonham Carter, Maggie Smith, Robbie Coltrane and other co-stars. PG for scary images, some violence, language and mild sensuality. 153 minutes. Three and a half stars out of four.