


更新时间:2023-11-13 08:50:55



During the national day holiday, my mother took me to my aunt's house to play, i found a small aunt's dog gave birth to three puppies dog.

The dog's fur are very beautiful, they are diversiform fur, has a lovely little face; these puppies different personalities, some quiet; some fun; some like fighting.

There is a dog in a white transparent yellow fur with a piece of black hair, more fun is the corner edge has a black hair. because it looks like a little dog, so i call it. there is a dog looks very strange, black dog rounded rounded tail, in addition to white, whole body black, black eyes, black nose, without notice, thought that it has no eyes! because it looks out of the ordinary, i call it "the little dark monster".

I looked at the little guy, happy singing:" dog dog barking, don't let me feed you, become a dog to keep house, to protect my family into the thief.


I had a wonderfulspring festival holiday.I went to the park with my friends.We met at eight o‘clock at the school gate.We went to the park by bike.It was a sunnyday.We sat under a big tree and talkedwith each other.We talked about some movies andfunny things.Then we hadhamburgers and some drinks for lunch.Then we played some games.

We went home at 5pm.Although we were all fell tired,we were very happy.It was great fun!





好不容易解决了一项大难题,一下车,又有一项大难题映入眼帘--排队买票,各个售票口都排满了人,组成了一条条巨龙,从高处往下看,到处都是人 头,到处都是黑漆漆的一片,像一块黑色的地毯,我们跟时间足足斗争了一个小时,终于买到了门票,这时我在心里感叹到,终于可以进入动物园了,真不容易啊。

进入动物园后,我们先去了企鹅馆,那一只只穿着黑褂子的小企鹅,就像一位位小绅士,可爱极了,然后又去了大象馆,看!那只大象摇着大大的耳朵, 在和其他的`大象打架,结果他赢了,于是它昂着头,神气的向别处走去,好像在说:“看我多厉害。”接着我们又去了百鸟园,鳄鱼馆,河马馆。出了河马馆,已经 到中午了。

于是我们找了一个空石桌,吃妈妈早上做的便当,吃完便当,爸爸妈妈坐那儿休息,我和妹妹在附近玩耍,这是,我看见一从花丛里有一群蝴蝶,那一只 只穿着花衣服的蝴蝶,像一只只美丽的小精灵。下午爸爸妈妈又领和我和妹妹划了一下午的船,当我们玩够上岸以后,太阳已经偏西了,爸爸说:“我们回家吧。” 我和妹妹不情愿地答应了。









My holiday si happy 。No school, no class. This life is the most beautiful。I very Iike My holiday。 Because it is happy.in holiday.。During the holiday, I will go every day to and my friends go out to play, we play are very happy, I am very happy. We will go to the library to read a book, this is the most I like doing. I will play the game together with father, and the father when playing the game very happy。I will help my parents to clean the room every day, my parents it is happy.every day。I Iike my holiday.


This holiday is very interesting. When walking on the street, the advertisements are full of walls. People walking across the street must stop to see the noticeable advertisements, and the funny words cant help laughing.

First look at the first advertisement on the side of the east wall. "Why not slow" brand cough cough syrup for children, look, what, this advertisement some taste it to see this, advertisers, who do not want to buy a bottle. Now the business can really do, using the homonym of idioms to do advertising, really one stone, one word, a word, cattle.

And then look at the southeastern ad. "Haste is not", look, do you know what it means? Is to say, the shower time is too short, can not achieve a certain purpose. Haha, shower or shower to shower the knowledge, a long time, that cant be soaked through. Hey, this ad is a bit of a taste.

And then look at the advertisement on the north side. "Chicken can not lose, the flavor of the Roast Chicken, high quality and inexpensive, wow, this advertisement is too tempting. Here, who dont go and buy only Roast Chicken to snack. Really, "chicken [machine] cant be lost, lost again."

Finally, look at the street east the hotel in front of the advertisement, "Qing Ling Hotel", do not look at these words, a look, a few words that glittering under the sign of "the food package you high quality and inexpensive, eat whole foods [ten] [ten] beauty", eat also want to eat". Why, this advertisement is pretty good. The boss of this shop is really smart. He must be a knowledgeable person. If not, how can I think of using homophonic idioms to advertise? I believe the business of this shop must be very hot.

The present society is very diverse and colorful. With the progress of the times and the development of science and technology, the intelligence quotient of people is also getting higher and higher. Look, how beautiful the world is, how interesting it is.

This holiday is really full and interesting.





天空中下着蒙蒙细雨,滋润着万物,树呀、草呀都贪婪地吮吸着雨水,好像比吃蜜还甜。枯黄的叶子被露水湿润后,也充满了生命力。雨淅沥沥地落着,供给万物所需的养料,这雨多像仙女洒下的甘露,是那样清新、透澈。 欧阳修的《醉翁亭记》里有一名句:醉翁之意不在酒,在乎山水之间也。南北朝的谢朓遥望秀丽山水,写下“不对芳春酒,还忘青山郭”的诗句;说是自己被山水的美景所陶醉,连酒都不想喝了。
