
春游计划英语作文一般将来时(旅行计划英语作文 一般将来时)

春游计划英语作文一般将来时(旅行计划英语作文 一般将来时)

更新时间:2024-04-02 23:58:17
春游计划英语作文一般将来时(旅行计划英语作文 一般将来时)



“对”我们可以去春游。可以去看看大自然的美景。 我特意安排了一个春游计划哦!


午餐时间,每个人从书包中把自己的食物拿出来放在一起,和大家一起吃。在上山的过程中可以多多观察春天的一些变化和异常,可以把它记在观察本中。 这就是我的春游计划,你要加入吗?可以哦!我们很欢迎你。


April 18th is a special day for us . because we have a spring outing . In the morning ,we get on the school bus with many titbits . First , we get to the Zhejiang Museum , and watch many antigues . We are excited to know “ the 7000 years in Zhejiang ” , then we come to the Zhongshan Park . We feel a little tired, so some of us sit on the grass to have a rest . but some classmates climb the artificial hills to explore something .

They look very happy . In the park ,there are many beautiful flowers and lovely birds. Everyone takes lots of pictures with them. In the afternoon, we come back to school. All of us are happy, although we feel tired. We think this spring outing is funny and unforgettable.


It was a sunlit and enchanting scene of spring morning, when the teachers took us students of Grade 2 to go on our first spring outing. We set off at seven oclock from school. In the warm spring breeze, we were walking there together.

Fifty minutes later, we got to the destination. There, we were going to have a picnic. Some of us cooked rice, some cooked dishes, and some cooked soup. My deskmate, Guo Yunfeng, and I fried eggs. At first, we poured some oil in the pot. When the oil was hot enough, we put the egg into the pot. Soon after that, we turned it over. We were in threes or fours, and we were all bustling with our own tasks.

Times up! The meal was ready. Lets enjoy to our hearts content. Bottoms up!