


更新时间:2023-10-18 08:42:18









于是我整整衣冠看见不远有一高档餐厅我跨步走了进去,里面装修的即古朴又优雅使我一下子有了食欲,我找了个干净的位子就坐下来了。 等候服务员把彩单拿来,可是服务员却像是没有看到我一样。依然在为坐在我旁边的那位着装高贵的夫人忙来忙去,迟迟不肯来,我耐心的等她为那位夫人忙活完后,向她招招手,她看见了很不情愿地拿着菜单朝我过来,把菜单扔到我面前不耐烦的对我说:“快点,自己选吧!”我没有计较她的态度只是颇为胆怯的对她说:“小姐你能向你们老板通融一下吗?我没有带零钱哩!”服务员摆出一副不肖一猜的脸色对我说:“先生如果你没有带零钱的话你为什么还要来这里用餐呢?像你这样的阔佬是肯定不会带零钱的!”说罢露出一副刻薄的表情。我也早已猜到她会这样,便抽出那张百万英镑来小姐微笑着接了过去,笑容马上僵硬起来态度有了180度的变化,马上笑眯眯地对我说:“啊!先生对不起,哈!您要牛排几分熟5分,是的,先生像您这种年纪…啊不是我是说吃5分熟的牛排很适合您,不生不硬柔软恰当,刚刚好!您还要什么?意大利泡沐咖啡?!太好了您简直神拉!意大利泡沐咖啡是我们店里最得意的咖啡了。呵呵!它能提神活很适合您啊!”我也表示满意,她又说:“先生请不要坐在这张肮脏的凳子坐了,请上楼那是个高级区。”我说:“我就坐在这里吧!”小姐忙说;“先生您说的相当的对!这个座位既坐 的舒服又能看到外面的风景,很好!”说完后又叫奏乐队和按摩的小姐来到我身边陪我用餐。



After watching this movie, the heart can not be calm, it let me see the heros optimistic, strong, confident and never give up, but also understand the worlds apathy, helpless and uneasy. The cause of the failure, his wife abandoned, life distress and defeat Chris, on the contrary, the suffering experience made him become more self-confidence, he never give up faith, in trouble, finally it comes to firmly grasp their own happiness.

How could we not be so in our life? Life is a long journey, and no one on this journey is smooth sailing, and no one can predict what will happen on this journey But one thing we can believe is that when God closes a door for you, she opens a window for you.

This story reminds me of the scene thirteen years ago. Thirteen years ago, just graduated, I left home with longing and hope, came to the provincial capital of Jinan, then only in the pocket of my mother gave me one hundred yuan. After a lot of trouble, I found a job of selling commodities for a trading company. Every day carrying a packet of small streets, hard to imagine. The scene of the first customer rejection, the scene of being scolded by the customer for the first time, a man hiding in the corner crying...

Still fresh in memory. That experience made me realize that when were in trouble, letting go of our self will only make us worse, and we can get nothing except a little sympathy. On the contrary, this is the moment we make efforts, energy savings, firm belief, lock the target, hold on and never give up, you can in the happiness comes and firmly grasp her. No one has ever been alone. Recently, a colleague has passed his own effort to enter a financial institution in the city. In the eyes of everyone, he is a lucky man. But perhaps no one saw the hard work he did in the process. In this world, everything is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. When we envy other peoples luck, we may not see how much others pay in the process When were watching TV, when were having fun, when were chatting......

Perhaps others are studying business, perhaps is study of professional knowledge, perhaps is to fight to win or die......

We often see the success of others, but rarely see the hardships of others behind the success. One hundred people, one hundred people, different lifestyles, there are one hundred different interpretations of happiness, you choose what kind of life, what kind of action. So dont blindly envy others success, if you want to succeed, if you want to decide your own happiness, it starts from a little bit, starting from your nearest goal, adhere to! Insist! Insist again!

When one day happiness knocks at the door, you can catch her without hesitation, and then you will also become the lucky person in the eyes of others. In daily work, we should always remind ourselves, when happiness knocks at the door, are you really ready?


















Last night, I read an American inspirational article "when happiness knocks on the door", I feel a lot. Each of us has experienced some hardships before we know what happiness is. Chris experienced the most difficult stage in his life. From the step by step to the final success of the ordeal. The film also became popular applause of the American inspirational article. Perhaps inspirational articles have a common plot, all is the master, through the rough life course, finally to success. But if thats not the case, can it be inspirational?

When happiness knocks on the door, Chris. Gardiner represented a medical device, his main job is to do the work of medical device salesman, every day is carrying a scanner shuttle in the street, around to sell. Sales promotion is not so smooth. He goes out every day, but he comes home with money every day. He has a wife and a son. His wife works for 16 hours a day in a factory. He lives in poverty, and is often subject to various economic pressures, such as rent, car fines, taxes, etc..

Chris had a chance to see a group of stockbrokers working very happily, and he was determined to become a stockbroker. But he has only a high school diploma and has no experience, even if he makes an application. So he took the initiative to go to the examiner, hoping to achieve his wish. And it was his effort to make it happen. He got the chance to interview. He didnt get any income after the interview. The wife watched him unable to get out of the trouble and left him. It was another test for him. He decided to live alone with his son. At this point, he had no income during the 6 months practice of the stockbroker company. He could only take his son to the shelter when he was in a desperate situation. Despite this frustration, one after another, the difficulties ensued, and he never gave up. His belief in success and happiness remained unchanged. With this dedication, he worked hard, every effort to seize every opportunity, sincere treatment of his customers, and finally he ushered in the dawn of happiness.

The most impressive part of the movie is running. There are a lot of running scenes. Chris was running when he saw the stolen instrument; he was running to pay for the taxi fare; he was running for the interview; he was queuing in order to go to the hospice. Running in our lives is also possible, in order to squeeze into the bus, in order to quickly arrive at a certain place. And when Chris was running for his life, we thought of more bitterness and his effort to live. The film is the use of such a run of the subjective action, showing peoples most tenacious ability to survive and never yield spirit. We will also encounter difficulties, setbacks, whether we can correctly treat, and whether we are in the face of all this, can calmly think of ways, can take the initiative to beat the difficulties? If we can, we are the strong person in life.

The film left me with one of the deepest impression is Chriss tears. When he and his son were evicted from rental housing, he led his son to find a place to live. His friend refused him. So they came to the subway station. He came up with a story to coax his son to accept the difficulties he faced. So they went into a public lavatory and spent a night in the sound of a barrage of crashing sounds. Chris cried. He didnt cry for such difficulties. But let his son suffer with him, make him feel sorry for his son. This point of view is that he is a kind and respectable father. Treat his son, his affection is so strong and deep. Another scenario is that he was hired as the official broker, he cried, wanted to share this happy moment of the man is his son with him, can feel how much he loved his son.

We see these scenes can not help tears trickling down cheeks. A touching scene, from a subtle point can feel the power, we lack is such a force. We want to succeed, we want to become brave, and we face difficulties and setbacks, we also indomitable will and faith to support it? So, when it comes, we dont panic anymore. Because we think the world is nothing to fear. The terrible thing is that you believe in what you can do if you believe in what you want and what you will do.














