
英文作文 故事开头(英语作文讲述自己的事例开头)

英文作文 故事开头(英语作文讲述自己的事例开头)

更新时间:2024-05-16 17:48:19
英文作文 故事开头(英语作文讲述自己的事例开头)

英文作文 故事开头【一】

Three bulls fed in a field together in the greatest peace and amity .A lion had long watched them in the hope of making prize of them, but found that there was little chance for him so long as they kept all together .He therefore began secretly to spread evil and slanderous reports of one against the other ,till he had formented a jealousy and distrust amongst them . No sooner did the lion see that they avoided one another ,and fed each by himself apart ,than he fell upon them ,and so made an easy prey of them all.

The quarrels of friends are the opportunities of foes.

英文作文 故事开头【二】

vain 虚荣的,徒劳的

jackdaw 八哥,寒鸦

peacock 孔雀

with the greatest assurance 满怀信心地

falling upon 攻击

sent him about his business 把他赶出去

drummed...out 逐出

read him this lecture 教训他

chastisement 惩罚