


更新时间:2023-12-17 16:33:16


紧张的期末考试结束了,妈妈说带我出去放松一下,我们选择了池州石台的百丈崖和秋浦河漂流!这天五点钟我就起床了,我们和表妹还有她的同学们一起向目的地出发!在去往池州的路上,连绵起伏的山被云朵层层包裹,若隐若现,不禁让我们对百丈崖更期待! 经过了三个多小时的车程,我们终于到了百丈崖,导游说百丈崖有一千多米高,我们要坚持爬到山顶才能看到它最大的瀑布!在山底下我们每人买了一把水枪,因为“百丈崖”里都是小溪,我们可以玩水。刚进山,我们就看见了一条小溪,小溪里流淌着清澈的山泉水,水底的沙子,小鱼,石头都看得清清楚楚,可是没有大鱼,估计小溪里的水太浅了,容不下它吧!再往上走,我们看到了郁郁葱葱的森林,有的树的叶子红色的,在一片绿叶中它就像一颗颗钻石一样。

正当我们都沉浸在这美景之中的时候,忽然听到一种奇怪的叫声,我们问导游“这是什么东西叫”?导游说“这是山里的蝉,它和城市里的不一样,它的叫声更响亮”于是我们猜蝉在说什么,“你看你看,最近怎么有这么奇怪的东西”?“对,他们的颜色还不一样呢”?“有长有短,有粗有细”,“嗯还有的头后面长个尾巴,有的头上面像刺一样”…… 在欢声笑语中我们一路前行,突然看到前面有个小草屋,上面写了“猎户人家”外墙上挂了豪猪皮、刺猬皮和一张狐狸皮,估计都是这家的男主人以前在山里打的,现在这个山里没有这些动物了!猎人也就不住这里了!我们继续前行,路上有许多小瀑布,还看到了很多小溪流,有的从山里的石头缝流出来的,我们很奇怪,这山里怎么这么多水啊,难道山顶上有大水库?带着好奇心,我们终于到了壮观的百丈崖!瀑布从天而降,这时候我想起了李白的“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”!旁边还有阶梯往瀑布那去,可惜那个通不到瀑布的最顶端,看不到山那边是不是有大水库,为什么水会源源不断的流出来!看完了壮观的百丈崖最大瀑布,我们就下山了,去往另一个目的地:秋浦河漂流! 吃过午饭后,我们来到了秋浦河,哇塞!人山人海啊!导游帮我们拿来了救生衣,我们穿上后就去河边拿小皮艇,我们选了一个四人的,我、妈妈和表妈表妹坐在一起,一人拿一个船浆兴奋的出发了!

可是出发后并不顺利,由于妈妈和表妈都没有经验,我们的小船漂到了河边,那里水很平静,表妈和妈妈在那里怎么划小皮艇就在那里打转,就是走不出去,妈妈和表妈的脸上流露出焦急的神情。正当我们不知所措的时候,我们看到一位老爷爷,妈妈赶快向他请教,老爷爷说“如果妈妈在前面,她就要像后划,表妈像前划,反之就调过来”我们连忙道谢,架着小皮艇飞快的离开了!不一会我们追上了表妹的同学们,这时我们期盼已久的水枪大战开始了!我们用水枪互相攻击,你来我往的,哗哗哗,她们被我们打的落花流水,落荒而逃…… 结束了一天的行程,我们坐上了回家的车!虽然今天很累,但是也是非常开心的一天!










Today, our school students go to DAZONGHU play, still in the car, we will talk about Twitter in the industry, even in the most disciplined Yang Xin and we discuss it: "all sorts of gossip DAZONGHU lake is not beautiful?" "What's the great lake like?"...

After a while, the car came to the countryside, the countryside was real, the air was fresh, and the big longitudinal lake was just ahead. It must be more beautiful. This increased our sense of mystery towards the great lake. At this time, all the questions you had solved were solved, as long as you follow me, you will know.

Just entering the door, you will see a large green circular pond in front of you. In the middle of the pond, there is a small pavilion. The lotus leaves in the pond are green and green, and some are a little bit yellow, like a dead leaf butterfly on the lotus leaf.

Then we went forward. A reed boat showed us that we boarded the boat and looked down. A big goldfish who couldn't name was swimming happily in the water. Turn my head to the right, a very high statue of Buddha Ying in front of us, his side also has a seven storey pagoda.

We did not know how long to walk again, and we suddenly saw the tuft of beauty coke. It was already autumn. It was a miracle to see the beauty of beauty in the fall. The flowers beside a few red lanterns, the few red lanterns in the flowers, flowers reminds me of a little red this sentence.

We are going to go. Oh, I really can't walk, but I can't do it. I have to take a few photos to record it.


Today is the Mid Autumn Festival, but my father is in Hongkong, so my mother and I have to come back to eat reunion dinner only in the city of Bauhinia. We were sitting on the chair made of the iron bar, and the mother suddenly suggested, "let's go to the amusement park!"

Of course I was excited: "good! Great! " So I and my mother quickly come to the amusement park, go in and see the sea of people, ah! What a noise! I feel almost deafening, look left and right, all kinds of game products, suddenly, I saw I will always catch the mouse to play, rule is this: first press the button will come out of a cake, and then attract the mouse over, as long as you observe the mouse as a result, they have no defense, if not. You can take it. Later, I asked my mother to take ten yuan to exchange 10 game coins, because I wanted to play 10 games, and after a few minutes, the game currency changed, I was glad to take one from my mother's hand and put it into the machine. The start of the game, I watched the mice be absorbed in the coming, suddenly I found a mouse, I quickly press the button, I grabbed it, I excitedly jumped three feet high, I'd like to see if I have won a few lottery tickets, I think this number is stunned, this the number is: 30! I took these lottery tickets, ran to the front desk and changed a little doll. When dad was waiting for us at the door, I reluctantly left the playground.