


更新时间:2023-08-06 23:36:28


Everyone has his most unforgettable thing. Friendship may be the most impotant thing in our life.

Its like a light that gives us brightness. I have many things that I cant forget with my friends.

One day, I showed a new watch to my best friend. The watch is very pretty and I like it very much. When I passed it to her, she dropped it and the watch crashed into pieces. I shouted to her: I dont want to see you again. She cried at once after school. I found a pretty pencil case in my desk. In the pencil case, I found a note which said: "Dear Cristine, I gave this to you because I dont want to lose you. Can you forgive me?" I was moved by the note and I felt regret with my words. I said sorry to her and we were closer than before. A friend is like a star in the sky. He (She is always there around you. I cant forget this thing forever.


那天是难忘的一天,奶奶带着我和妹妹去动物园玩,因为路途遥远,奶奶,我和妹妹坐上公交车,我们走着走着,车突然停了下来上来一位叔叔,这位叔叔走过来,我偷偷地看了一眼,叔叔走到妹妹的座位前,妹妹赶紧站起来说:“叔叔你坐这儿,你的腿不灵便”。 妹妹把座位让给这位叔叔,叔叔坐上,走了一会儿,突然车猛一刹车把妹妹摇倒了,叔叔看见了把拐仗一扔,把妹妹赶紧扶起来。我看了后很不自在,便把坐位让给了妹妹,我笑了,最后我和奶奶、妹妹坐车到了动物园门口,我和奶奶、妹妹下了车,叔叔坐着车走了。我们走进动物园,看到了许多动物,什么动物都有,我们玩得非常开心。下午到吃饭时间了,我和奶奶妹妹坐上了一辆公交车回家了,一路上,我想来想去,妹妹虽然年龄小,但妹妹非常懂事,能把坐位让给别人,自己站着,真是现代的小雷峰,我真惭愧。


It was a sunny day today,when i got up in the morning,i decided to see my grandparents.so i took the bus got there at noon,they were happy to see me,and i was very happy,too.

In the afternoon,my farther asked me to help him water the plant,and i was happy to see the flowers smiling in the wind.

In a word,today is a unforgetive day.because i saw my relatives helped people.


I’m a girl at the age of twelve and in grade six. As our grade six students have to attend the secondary school entrance exam a year later, we have to go to school to take part in the self-study at night. Considering the distance of my home to school, my father decided to teach me ride bikes.

It was a Saturday morning. My father told the key point to ride a bike at first. It was be brave and look forward instead of looking the wheels. My father held me and the bike firmly and then I ride it. Though I was afraid, I feel safe with my father around me. A few hours later, I can ride it without my father’s help. I was so happy, but my father was covered with sweat. I never fell off the bike with his protection. Watching my sweating father, I can feel his love for me.

Learning to ride a bike is such a memerable thing that I’ m only master it but also understand the love of my father.












