


更新时间:2024-03-31 17:24:30


This may day Dad took me to climb Huashan, where all the plants and trees were unforgettable.

I have been to Jincheng Mountain in Yilong, where fruit trees are everywhere and green grass is everywhere. But I can't compare to the beauty of Huashan; I have been to the east mountain of Deyang, where the mountains are green and green, but they are still not as strange as Huashan; I have also been to the Zhongjing Pingshan, where there are many places of interest, but not in Huashan.

As soon as I set foot on the Huashan Road, I saw a mountain peak rising from the ground, and a dark green light on the mountain. I looked at it. Dad said, "Hey, go." I went up and said, "Daddy, look, what a beautiful view!"

As I walked, I saw that the mountain peak was bare and grotesque. Under such conditions, trees were still growing. There is a mountain with these one or two trees long, far from seeing, the mountain is different, the mountain is like the tota Li, the tree is the tower, how angry! We see a national protection tree - the Sophora japonica, more than 500 years history. The tree is thick and oval - dense and oval, and the more I climb, the more scared it is, but the joy is my motivation, and my family and I continue to climb and climb higher. I saw Xifeng. It was the place where incense sticks to save the mountain. I jumped up with joy. Then I walked a long way, and I saw the long sky plank road, which was connected by a plank on the edge of the mountain. Look at that 1000 foot building, straight up 87 degrees slope, straight into the sky.

The listens say: the sunrise in Huashan and the sea of clouds are also beautiful. The sun just rose from the horizon, the first to show a lovely smiling face...... Hey, down the mountain, ride the cable car, so high! On the cable car to see this side of the mountain is different. How fast can I believe that every passing pile on the cable car is very fast, and when it reaches the foot of the hill?

Time is too fast, or I'll conquer it again.


你们将按照川中油气矿的安排,赴四川石油管理局川西钻探公司 钻井队进行为期一年的实习。在走上岗位以前,我以一名毕业 年的大学生身份和你们谈一谈从毕业到现在的一些工作想法,与你们共勉。




祝 生活愉快,工作顺利!




September 25

Dear Li Hua,

Thank you for your letter dated September 16.It wasn't until yesterday that I got it,as I had been out on business for a week.

In your letter,you told me that you preferred your job to the city of Shanghai.In my opinion,Shanghai is an exciting and a beautiful place.Try to enjoy yourself in your spare time besides your devotion to work.

I'm sorry to say that I won't go to Shanghai because our school will hold an open-air party.I have to stay for the performances on the holiday.By the way,would you please come and join us in the party Hangzhou is so beautiful in autumn that I'm sure you will like it.


Zhang Hong


你们将按照川中油气矿的安排,赴四川石油管理局川西钻探公司 钻井队进行为期一年的实习。在走上岗位以前,我以一名毕业 年的大学生身份和你们谈一谈从毕业到现在的一些工作想法,与你们共勉。从大学毕业走上现在的工作岗位,我最深的感受可以用一句话来概括:学习是人生永远的主题,敬业是成就事业的唯一法宝。进入知识经济时代,知识更新速度要求我们将学习进行到底。走出大学的校门走上工作岗位,面对的是更广阔的领域,等待你们去实践、探索、创新,请你们谨记“放弃学习就是放弃自己”。成就事业同样没有捷径,必定是一份耕耘一份收获。嘉二上产、广安构造的确立,川中油气矿机遇与挑战并存,要在川中油气工业留下你们闪亮的'青春足迹,需要你们对工作热情、踏实、执着。敬业是一种精神,也是实现自身价值,成就事业的唯一途径。




