
以kite为题的英语作文(my favorite kite英文作文)

以kite为题的英语作文(my favorite kite英文作文)

更新时间:2023-12-11 01:26:54
以kite为题的英语作文(my favorite kite英文作文)


Being a monitor is my dream, because I think it is so cool and I will have the power. So when I go into the middle school, I make my effort to be a monitor, luckily, all of my classmates trust me and elect me as their monitor. I am so happy, my little dream has come true, but I never expect that the monitor’s duty is so heavy. I can’t do what I want, every decision I make needs to consider so many things, if I go the wrong way, my classmates will have loss. As the saying that the more power, the more responsibility, I have pressure, but I learn many things, I become mature and can deal things well.



The picture shows that a young boy said to his father that he was worried about the waste of nuclear, but the father said if you can empty the dustbin , you can do anything . So whatever we want to do ,we must do small things first before undertaking something big .

In contemporary society , many young people enjoy taking big , but they always can’t finish anything . Because details decide success or failure . If we don’t start from the minor matters , only do the big things , we may get nothing in the end . So do the small things first , and then , we can finish something perfectly without wasting our unnecessary energy .

As far as I’m concerned , doing small things first is very important . For example , if we want to live , we must do (转 载于:wWW.cSsYq.cOM 书业网some small things like cleaning the room , washing the clothes and so on , and then , we can make our life comfortable . So don’t ignore details , the details are the key to success.


Now I am in winter holiday, I am so happy, I can have fun with my friends. My friends and I make the deal that when the wind comes, we will go to the park and fly kites. Today the wind finally comes, after finishing breakfast, I go the park with my friends. We take out our kites, mine are butterfly, my friends are birds, all are so funny. I start to let my kite fly, but it could not, so I run faster and faster, then my kite flies, I go let go it gradually. A few minutes later, my friends’ kites are also flying. Seeing our kites flying, I feel so free. Today, I have a great time.



Dear Jeff,

I'm Li Hua from Beijing I-Iongxing Middle School。 I'm very happy to learn that you're going to stay with my family while you're in Beijing。

While you are here, we'll provide you with a room of your own with a bed, a desk, a couple of chairs and a TV。 You'll also have your own bathroom。 Our school is quite close to our home。 So we could go to school together by bike。 At noon we'll eat at the school dining hall。 I'm sure you'll like the delicious Chinese food there,and enjoy talking with friends over lunch。 Classes in our school usually finish at 4 in the afternoon。 You can then join other students in playing ball games or swimming。 It'll be a lot of fun。

If you have any questions or requests, please let me know。 We'll try our best to make your stay here in Beijing a pleasant experience。

Best wishses !

Li Hua







李 华


当Rose放弃求生的机会毅然回去找Jack的时候,我认为爱就是I can't live without you.从心里说,那一幕幕他们两个相互扶持在灾难中依然爱得深刻,真的让我很感动。这是上周星期三看的电影了,一周过去了,此时坐在电脑前电影的一幕幕依然在眼前浮现。想起书上的一句话,爱情经得起波折,却经不起平淡;友情经得起平淡,却经不起波折。结合自己上大学以来这近一年来的生活,从心里相信这句话。更多的体验是关于友情。在生活中建立一份感情多不容易,需要多小心翼翼才能维持。所谓的任性以及多超善感只是自己夜深时被眼泪打湿的枕巾罢了,无论是爱情还是友情,甚至是亲情,哪里又有人能够真正地包容另一个人。平心而论,我做不到,因为人心都是会累的。要好好照顾自己,对自己好点,这才是生活继续的意义。像电影中Rose的任性为爱抛弃亿万富翁的未婚夫,在生活中能做到的人只怕寥寥无几,若是Jack没有,一切灾难没有发生,我想他们生活的灾难才真正开始发生。Rose的父亲去世公司破产,只留下一个好的名声以及无尽的债务,她的母亲未尝不知道她所爱他人,可是为了不沦为女仆以及偿还债务,让Rose嫁给富翁的儿子是唯一的方法,何况,那个富翁的儿子爱Rose也爱得发狂。在那个年代,这或许就是最好的结局了。可是Jack出现了,他是个一穷二白的年轻人,甚至船票都是在中出老千而赢来的,唯一的特长很浪漫,画画。嗯,确切地说,画女人的裸体。如果灾难没有发生,他们私奔了,那么我真不敢想象接下来的结局会是怎样的.凄凉。曾经高贵冷艳的母亲沦为人人可践踏使唤的女仆,出生以来就被娇生惯养锦衣玉食伺候长大的Rose如何能适应穷困潦倒的生活还是跟着Jack一起漫无目的地漂泊历经沧桑?当经历了一段时间的之后,若是感情没有在生活的磨难中被消磨殆尽,那以后他们的孩子也将继续这样的生活吗?想想还是觉得难受,悲哀在无限蔓延。所有的浪漫以及风花雪月都是暂时的,所有的一切最终都要回归现实生活。嗯,不过我心里依然对浪漫充满了渴望,生活有了浪漫,才有继续平淡下去的勇气。看到Rose最后回忆起Jack时眼眸中的闪亮,在那时我觉得爱就是没有你我依然要好好地生活,就只为你曾经给我的爱的信仰。

