


更新时间:2023-11-08 14:50:04


初恋50 First Dates

What would it feel if I can wake up everyday forgetting what happened for the last whole year?

Lucy in the movie “50 First Dates” told me this feeling. Every morning when she woke up, she only rememberred the Sunday of last year which was her father’s birthday, also the date she had the car accident which made her only keep memory before Sunday, so she always felt happy living the same habit as what she did on Sunday a year ago with the kind set-up by her father and brother. After meeting Hey, she could only remember who he was on the same day. But after one night, he became a stranger to her. She couldn’t even recognize he was the one she used to date and love everyday. Hey tried his best to give her a new different meeting every day so as to win her smile and regain their “First Date”. Hey made her tapes every morning to help her remember what happened the day before and the last whole year. Lucy thus felt grateful with all she had when she woke up everyday. On the same day, she always had the same deep gratitude to face Hey with her sweet smile. What a beautiful feeling it is to always feel thanksgiving and to always

appreciate each other’s effort. A touching story between a memory lost woman and a devoted man taught all of us, normal people, the essence of love. When two people can thank each other for their devotion everyday like what they did for each other on first date, love can forever be refreshed and energetic. On Lucy’s side, people with memory will ask for more than yesterday and become critical of their partners day by day, while people without memory will feel grateful for their life and the people around them everyday.

In the movie, when one day Lucy decided to break up with Hey to let him rebuild his life by burning all their diaries and tapes, I cried for Hey’s broken heart. For her, it was just one day feeling. For him, it was long-term affection and connection. It was easier for her than him to give up their love. On Hey’s side, people with memory will always remember the past happiness and

treasure it for the rest of their life, while people without memory will easily give up at the end of the same day.

What a ruthless feeling it is to end a relationship just after one minute thought. People with fragile mind would easily ruin a long-term relationship no matter what reason they have. The torture between Lucy and Hey tells us the fatal factor to do harm to intimacy between a couple is their fragile mind of

balancing emotion and reason. Thus most of couple lose their trust for each other after experiencing this weakly testing broke-up.


What is the right relationship between the father and the daughter? There is no certain answer. But the love of Brain's to his daughter must be one of the best ones.

His daughter, a young pretty 17-year-old girl was kidnapped during a tour in Paris. Brain got the news and hurried to France to take his daughter. He found that the gangsters that kidnapped his daughter were connected with an old friend which made him exetreme angry. He finally found the place where was holding an auction selling young virgins and broke in successfully taking his daughter away.

No matter how hard and stressful the situation was, and how dangerous things he faced, he never went back just because of the greatest love of a simple father. In the movie, we are all moved not only his actions of kindness, but also his insistance and the greatest of all- a father's love.


When word of the famed Eisenheim's (Ed Norton illusions reaches Crown Prince Leopold (Rufus Sewell, the ruler attends one of the magician's shows in order to debunk the performance. But when the prince's intended, Sophie von Teschen (Jessica Biel, assists the magician onstage, Eisenheim and Sophie recognize each other from their childhoods, and pretty soon they're totally hot for each other. As the clandestine romance continues, the prince's best cop (Paul Giamatti is charged with exposing Eisenheim, even while the magician gains a devoted and vocal public following. Before long, Sophie turns up dead, and the logical suspect is Eisenheim himself.

一线声机"Cellular" has the setup for a solid straight-ahead thriller: A kidnap victim who does not know where she is being held phones a total stranger who must then stay connected on his cell phone to find her before she is killed. Joel Schumacher scored earlier with a similarly phone-themed Larry Cohen story, "Phone Booth." As executed by tone-deaf director David R. Ellis, however, "Cellular" becomes an unintentionally hilarious cousin to Brian de Palma's "Raising Cain" and "Snake Eyes."

Ellis seems to have unwittingly spliced together two different films with

mismatched tones: Kim Basinger as the kidnapee and Jason Statham as the kidnapper occupy the deadly-serious, straight-to-video thriller half, while Chris Evans as the rescuer and William H. Macy as a police officer seem to be in a "Saturday Night Live"-alum action comedy. Nowhere else is the disjointedness in tone more apparent than when Basinger and Evans's performances are placed side-by-side during their conversations: The scenes keep cutting between an overwrought Basinger wringing out every drop of melodrama, while a blissfully inept Evans seems to be channeling a cross between Chris Kattan/Jimmy Fallon and Ben Affleck/Keanu Reeves.

Meanwhile, Ellis pulls out tricks intended to generate thrills and surprises. He throws in out-of-nowhere "shocks," a la "Final Destination"; he throws in

flashbacks; he throws in a gun-blazing Macy in Jerry Bruckheimer action-hero slo-mo; and yet, Ellis has no handle on staging any of them competently. Case in point: "Cellular" is the proud owner of one of the most ineptly scored chase sequences ever, as if Ellis simply heard a snippet of the song's lyrics ("...where you gonna run to?" literally and paid no attention to the inappropriateness of the accompanying music (which just bop, bop, bops along. (The song is even reprised during the closing credits, which itself is misbegotten in conception.

And yet, for all of its failures as art, "Cellular" is always entertaining for those very same faults



你听或者不听,它在那里,你听过或者没听过,它也还在那里。 相较于下里巴人的通俗歌曲,仿佛西方音乐已经被摆上了上层社会的文化享受中,在中国更乏关于西方音乐流派的评述。

从经济基础和上层建筑的相互关系来看,西方音乐流派正宗性源于宗教的纯正性,按照宗教的发展,将西方音乐从宗教音乐发展至实用音乐,即波普艺术。 西方中世纪可以说是古典音乐的突出时代,中世纪即西方的。封建时代,这一时代的音乐代表体现在清唱剧(巴洛克时期,最杰出的清唱剧大师当数英籍德国作曲家亨德尔。和康塔塔以及众赞歌),清唱剧类似于独唱,康塔塔近似于中国的大合唱,而众赞歌则是前两者的综合体,与近现代中国音乐发展的区别则是,表演对象的不同,西方中世纪音乐的表演对象是上帝神灵,类似于唱咏,音乐剧大多为僧侣,因此舞台设计比较简单,中国近代音乐则是有固定观众的关注,舞台设计考究,表演形式注重视觉效果。

古典音乐的发展,极具代表性的格列高利圣咏中最富特征的旋律不仅长久地保存在中世纪作曲家的创作中,而且还保存在后来许多世纪的作曲家的创作中。我们在巴赫、莫扎特等人的作品中可以听到这些旋律,如莫扎特的《朱庇特交响曲》、李斯特的《之舞》,柏辽兹的《幻想交响曲》第 5乐章 、圣61桑的附有管风琴和钢琴的《 C小调第三 交响曲》、拉赫玛尼诺夫的作品钢琴和管弦乐曲《帕格尼尼主题狂想曲》。流传至今的诸多乐曲形式,如小步舞曲、军队进行曲,以及奏鸣曲第一乐章 等,都是由格列高利圣咏衍化而来的。 备受瞩目的音乐家舒伯特和贝多芬是古典音乐之浪漫主义时期的代表人物。他们从宗教学中汲取养分,创作出更多的宗教音乐。而听众对于宗教音乐的把握比较明确,因此符合受众群的需要,而使西方音乐发展至顶峰。


When I was a freshman in college I watched the film Gua Sha Treatment for the first time, now I am a junior student and I come back to review the movie from a multicultural aspect, I have many different feelings after watching the film again.

At the beginning of the film, XuDatong is given an award and later he delivers a speech. What makes me impressed most is in his speech he says “one day I will become one of you, a truly successful American, today this award proved that America is a true land of opportunity and I am the living proof of that.” At that moment Xu thinks he has realized his American Dream totally with his lovingly wife and adorable son. However, I think it is ironical that to make a speech like that and I assume it is made on purpose to hind a clue for the story's development. How many non—American people have such a beautiful American dream? One of my classmate studies in American now and before he went aboard he told me his American dream is he can stand at the top of the New York. To be honest, I also dream that one day I can get the Green Card living there happily and successfully maybe working at the Wall Street. When Xu gets the award he thinks he entirely melted in the melting pot neglecting the multicultural obstruct, later the plot goes against the way he thinks. And later Quinlan asked Xu'why you be the scapegoat of your father?' Xu answers 'because he is Chinese.' Then maybe Xu knows that there is always a wide gap between Chinese and American cultures.

The second scene is Xu hit his son Denis because Denis hit the son of xu's boss, at the middle of the film xu tells his boss that he hit his own son is only to show his respect to his boss John Quinlan, that time Quinlan feels puzzled “what a Chinese logic”,yes, American can never understand such a logic full of Chinese characteristic, because they respect everyone including the children, they won't beat a child to please the boss, and there is no such a conception of degree between employee and employer, they feel everyone is equal, which is quite different from china.

Connected to the second scene, the third difference I want to analyze is the care for the children. In America, people pay more attention to the right of children which can be seen from the law—leaving children alone at home is illegal, while in China it is so common that almost everyone may experience such loneliness. And Children Welfare Agency does work in America which shows the importance Americans attach to children's right. What's more, I remember a line 'No one won the case, especially the child.' In my opinion, it also manifests the universal concern from the American public to the children.

The fourth aspect is following the procedure, in the film, more than there times, the people focus on the rule, the law, the procedure. At the Christmas Eve Xu wants to return back to his home pretending as a Santa Claus, what a pity, the security recognizes him and persuades 'you are always a good tenement, never causes troubles for me.' And another scene is at the end of the film , the judge says 'I have to follow the procedure.' However, in China people always have to ask for a favor to do something, and later you have to pay back the favor,for myself, I prefer the American style, strict to the procedure.

The fifth and the last point is the humors, Quinlan says 'you can't fall, your health security is the company paid.' 'Datong, welcome home, maybe next time, you can come from the front door.' 'dady, why you come from the window' ' because we don't have a chimney.' I really adore this distinguished American humor, especially in dangerous situations, which is quite rare in China.

That's my whole reaction to Gua Sha Treatment.
