


更新时间:2023-07-26 06:16:31



外公教我写字很有耐心也很有方法。记得当时我上幼儿园中班,放学了,只要是外公接我,就会拿着粉笔教我写字,还教我怎么记呢,比如说“元”字,外公就会教我一个“二”字和一个“儿”字,这样很好记,也很方便,我一次就记住了三个字。每次在家里或者在外面玩耍,外公都会引导我教我写字。我三岁的时候,妈妈给我听写字,我会了200多个字。 现在我上三年级了,每次百词大赛我都得100分。这里面有外公的功劳,外公真是辛苦了。



August 5 was a special day. It was my eighteenth birthday, on the way to become an adult. I didn’t go out with my relatives as usual, I went to Zhejiang Daily Newspaper Building to experience how an editor of Zhejiang Online Website worked. In the morning, we visited many offices, chatted with Wang Zhidong, the former CEO of Sina, and we tried to edit a report and send it to the Internet. We also had a debate about whether kids’being on-line was good. I stood on the positive side. That was, we should get on-line, to learn, to relax, to shop, to play, to make friends, and to name just a few. We took some pictures to accept as a souvenir. We had lunch there and watched movies afterwards. Spiderman II was truly realistic. We were fascinated by the cool actions, scared by the ugly beast,and encouraged by the brave hero. Then we saw part of Detective Conan, a Japanese cartoon film. In the afternoon, we took a bus to a building where the governors worked to interview a grandpa, who used to work for the young generation.

He is kind, and healthy, though he is over eighty. He loves working, especially working for the youth. He feels more energetic as he talks with kids. At last, he asked us to sing a song for him. We sent a boy on behalf of us all to sing a happy song. He didn’t disappoint us, making everyone present laugh for a while. When the interview ended, we headed back to the newspaper office.The leader handed each of us a diploma and the photos we took that morning. Good time passed quickly. We said good-bye to each other, and then we parted. Yeah, we’ve become friends though we haven’t known each other very long.

In a word, that was a meaningful enjoyable day. I really had great fun.






