


更新时间:2024-05-14 08:14:49


Everyone has a familiar place in his life, such as parks, supermarkets, and their own rooms. Of all, my most familiar is my room.

The door is west, and there are two windows on both sides of the door. They are "North Window" and "south window". Opposite the doorway is a small balcony, there is a small wardrobe in the balcony, with my clothes when I was a child. My bed is toward the south window, the bed is neatly placed with pillows and quilts. My computer desk faces the North window. There is a regular computer on the computer desk. As soon as I got into the room, I saw my favorite, the computer, and an eye light. Northeast corner is an unusual desk. There are many books on the table. There are dictionaries, books borrowed in the library, encyclopedia books bought by ourselves, and snacks: egg rolls, candy, and my favorite large bottle of coke. The southeastern corner is my wardrobe, with school uniforms, clothes, socks and underpants in the wardrobe. Also with bed sheets, quilt towel. There was an almost useless old TV on the cupboard. There is a DVD player on the TV. In the southwest, it's a big wardrobe for mom and dad. Beside the wardrobe, it was a dresser. I had a photo of my childhood on the platform. It was very lovely.

This is my room, is it beautiful? You are welcome to visit my colorful room.


Everyone, there is a room for their own, I am no exception. My room has walls, windows, bed, pillow, and desk, bookcase and. Of course, there's a baby - like the Pearl River Piano, finish the homework every day, I will sit on the stool practice half an hour.

There's a secret in my room that you can't guess. Guess what, what is it? As a matter of fact, my room has two floors, and there is a push door beside the bookcase. Open the door, wow, and staircase, and go up to the platform. This is my little pet - Rabbit white. I have a sunny place, mine mother planted flowers, green onion, Dad cactus.

Sometimes, I wish my room had wings, so that it could fly to the sky, look at the white clouds, feel the white clouds, and try the taste of white clouds, like cotton candy.

I also hope that everything in my room is made of food. Your homework is hungry, you can chew on the desk; like sugar, you can lick the wall; hungry you sleep at night, can you just bite the pillow to chew in any case what does not matter, because all of the food.

Of course, I hope that my room long wheel, so that I can open a house car, ran to the river Yachun home to a good friend. She will be surprised. But I just smiled: "Hey, don't tell you how I dragged my room to your home."

But from dream, back to reality, my most favorite room, or my room, an ordinary little girl's room. At noon, after dinner, I will take a quiet lunch break in my room; in the afternoon, after school, I will do my homework in front of the desk. Father and mother often come to my room to help me with my homework. In the evening, I lie in my little bed and go to sleep. In the morning, a ray of sunshine comes into my room and sprinkles on my cozy little bed.


我从小到大,做过无数的作业,有许多我都记不清了。唯独那次作业,让我记忆犹新。它就像一颗闪亮的珍珠,永远珍藏在我记忆的海洋中。 那是一个星期天。

早晨,阳光明媚,姥姥抱着她那只有四岁的小孙子来我家,姥姥说她要出门办事,不能带着孩子,想让我的妈妈帮着带一下,可妈妈出去没在家。我正闲着没事,就逗起弟弟来。不一会儿,就听见姥姥说:“一然,我去去一下,小弟弟你就帮姥姥带一下吧,给你留一份特殊的.作业!”“特殊的作业?”我正疑惑着,姥姥又笑眯眯地向我解释道:“当然是照顾你的小弟弟!我听了,恍然大悟,心想:照顾他还不容易吗!于是,我便对姥姥保存证一定好好照看,便一蹦一跳地照顾小弟弟去了。 我原本以为,照顾孩子不是挺简单的吗?只要让他不哭、不闹就行了。可我这个弟弟,可真是太调皮了。


折腾了一上午,小弟累了,先上床休息了。回想起上午的事,我想:这么玩也不行啊,我灵机一动对弟弟说,哥哥给你讲故事吧!他一听可高兴了,于是我拿起一本连环画,绘声绘色地讲起了《喜洋洋与灰太狼》、《葫芦兄弟》……果然,通过我的努力,小弟再也没有哭闹过,而是侧着脑袋,津津有味听我讲故事,开心得拍起手来…… 中午,姥姥和妈妈回来了,看到我带弟弟玩得那么起劲,夸道:“没想到咱家的一然长大了哦!”我听了,心里美滋滋的。 我终于完成了这项特殊的作业。原来,带孩子也不是件容易的事,想起妈妈把我从小带到了这么大,可真是费了她一番苦心啊!


I have a lovely bedroom. It is small but clean and beautiful. The wall is light green and the floor is white. There is a bed in my bedroom, it is really comfortable. I sleep with it every night. And there is a small sofa near my bed, I always read books on it. There is also a desk in my room, I do my homework on it every evening. Near the desk, there is a shelf. There are many books on the shelf. You can borrow books from me if you like reading.

My bedroom is so good that I like it very much.

