


更新时间:2023-07-23 07:32:17


I have a happy family. There are my father, my mother, my brother and I. My father works a long way from home. And my mother is a housewife. My brother is a student who studies in the school. In a word, my family is full of happiness. I have a very happy family.There are four people in my family--my parents ,my younger brother and I.My fathther is working in another city,so he is always very busy.As a famous saying goes :" There is always an able woman behind a successful man .",my mother is a housewife.She can cook very dilicious food and she is often busy with some houseworks.Sometimes,brother and I help her tidy the house,but of course,we couldn't tidy as clean as her. I love my parents as well as my family.I hope we can be happy forever! My Family Hello,everyone! Today I'm very glad to tell you about my family. I have a happy family. There are four people in it. They are my father、my mother、my little brother、and I.My father is working in anther city.He is so busy that he has no time to come back to see u.

We miss him very much. My mother is a housewife .Every day,she cooks delicious meals and does a lot of housework.My brother and I are both students.We work very hard. In my family ,there are lots of happinesses around me.I love my family!


My room is small, but comfortable and clean.

Take the door, on the left is a bookcase. The above is my dad's book, and below is my "private property" in bookcase pretend I most like to watch book at ordinary times. What little sunflower, extracurricular reading, contemporary elementary, hundred thousand whys... It's full of beautiful things in eyes, dazzling. In spite of large Numbers, they still according to the height of a placed very neatly.

The right of the bookcase is a small bed. Every night, I lay there to sleep, do a dream.

To the other side of the bed is my desk. There are my keyboard on the desk, and I often read the book. Every school, it's "people" will increase, because above filled up with my school things, and my homework. Bed is a window. The sun shine into my room through the window, make the room warm and bright.

Sofa is next to the desk, the sofa has been neatly folded my clothes, and my family "" toys.

Chest and sofa is an inseparable friends, my family moved to either, they were always together. The big wardrobe, which is full of clothes when I was a kid.

My room is not big, but there is full of laughter every day.


this is my bedroom,

       it is small but clean.


there is a bed in my bedroom.


near it is my desk. 


there is a lamp on my desk.


under my desk there is a football.


in front of my bed is my bookshelf.

there are many books in it.

       beside it is a TV.


I love my room very much. 



In my life, I am proud of having a happy family. I have a kind father, strict mother and a naught little brother. As most other families, there are laughs and tears at my home. My father is friendly to others. Our neighbors speak highly of him. Mother is strict to me and my little brother.

She has high expectation to us, wanting us to have bright future. My little brother is a primary school student, but he doesn’t work very hard. All he wants is playing with his friends. It worries my parents a lot. But in general, we have more laughs than tears. I love my lovely family.


我从小到大,做过无数的作业,有许多我都记不清了。唯独那次作业,让我记忆犹新。它就像一颗闪亮的珍珠,永远珍藏在我记忆的海洋中。 那是一个星期天。

早晨,阳光明媚,姥姥抱着她那只有四岁的小孙子来我家,姥姥说她要出门办事,不能带着孩子,想让我的妈妈帮着带一下,可妈妈出去没在家。我正闲着没事,就逗起弟弟来。不一会儿,就听见姥姥说:“一然,我去去一下,小弟弟你就帮姥姥带一下吧,给你留一份特殊的.作业!”“特殊的作业?”我正疑惑着,姥姥又笑眯眯地向我解释道:“当然是照顾你的小弟弟!我听了,恍然大悟,心想:照顾他还不容易吗!于是,我便对姥姥保存证一定好好照看,便一蹦一跳地照顾小弟弟去了。 我原本以为,照顾孩子不是挺简单的吗?只要让他不哭、不闹就行了。可我这个弟弟,可真是太调皮了。


折腾了一上午,小弟累了,先上床休息了。回想起上午的事,我想:这么玩也不行啊,我灵机一动对弟弟说,哥哥给你讲故事吧!他一听可高兴了,于是我拿起一本连环画,绘声绘色地讲起了《喜洋洋与灰太狼》、《葫芦兄弟》……果然,通过我的努力,小弟再也没有哭闹过,而是侧着脑袋,津津有味听我讲故事,开心得拍起手来…… 中午,姥姥和妈妈回来了,看到我带弟弟玩得那么起劲,夸道:“没想到咱家的一然长大了哦!”我听了,心里美滋滋的。 我终于完成了这项特殊的作业。原来,带孩子也不是件容易的事,想起妈妈把我从小带到了这么大,可真是费了她一番苦心啊!


May 2, 2012 ( 时间写在右上角 Dear Lucy,

Next Monday is my 20th birthday. Imagine, there are already twenty years behind me! No wonder I feel old! My parents are giving a dinner party to mark the party. The first person they wish to invite is you, my childhood pal. Indeed, all of those 20 years are more or less associated with you. We'll be expecting you any time after six.

See you then. Yours, XXX ( 落款写在右下角,标点是逗号