


更新时间:2023-07-19 20:40:31



南方的冬季几乎不见雪落,那么冬雨便替代了这一切——没有雪的轻柔,匆忙而凌厉地呼啸而过,有了寒风的撑腰,更加肆无忌惮地用“冬”的气息侵蚀大地,如同一根根刚从寒冰深处取出的钢针。 至少我是不会再相信地理课本上对此地冬季“温和少雨”的描述了,谁叫这场来势汹汹的雨只带来了蚀骨的凉且依旧没有要归去的迹象呢? 于是我在这阴郁的冬雨中寄情于一份久违的温和,不由得放慢了脚步。

我回顾这雨丝的深处,总觉得有什么东西在静静地等着我,就像这场预谋好的冬雨一样。可是在我回头的时候,才发现了四周早已空无一人的街,石板砖上冒出一阵阵看不见的冷流,那是被雨激发出来的吧。我依然走得很慢,就像被冷冽的空气凝固一样,胶着在雨中。但这种状态很适合让人平静下来,将身体溶解在冬雨中。消散于寒冷的冬,也许可以把所有做过的、未做的、接下来要做的事情抛到一边,发个长达几小时的呆——啊,谁叫我们都被冬雨胶着了呢? 说不清楚到底是什么令我耿耿于怀,焦躁不安,幸亏我没有停下,否则就将被永恒地冰封了吧。在我回家之前,雨一直在下,那是属于冬天的悲哀凝重的节奏,名为霜之哀伤。

我忍受它的侵蚀,默默倾听它消极的节奏。然而我虽身处黑暗,看不到它的形状色态,就像我此刻被冻得发疼的右手,看不见它到底怎么了,可是对于自己的手,我尚且可以猜测它被冻红的样子,而这场看似无止境的冬雨,我却无论如何也想不起它本来的面目,更难以描摹它的形状。这令人烦忧的冬雨啊,谁叫你不下在一片烟青色的天空下,那一定会如雾晶石一样柔和。 我想起来了,在一场同样凛冽的冬雨中,我身处在灯火通明的马路上,泥泞的道路使得车辆堵得水泄不通,车灯刺眼的光实在碍事。然而却有人对我说:“多亏了他们,我可以看见雨的颜色了。”当然,在光的折射下,雨滴漂浮犹如一个个动着的生命,它们才是冬日里的主角,偌大的世界成了冬雨的舞台。



as we know , water is very important to man, we can’t live without water. the amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. but some people don’t care about it .they waste a lot of water in their daily life. even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers. they throw rubbish into rivers , too. many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.something must be done to stop the pollution. only in this way can we live happily. if we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.

we know that despite the fact that seventy percent of the earth's surface is covered with water, only a little part of it is fresh water. yet the demand for fresh water in our daily life and in industry seems great. moreover, with the expansion of the population and development of industry, the amount of the fresh water needed will increase even rapidly. it is estimated that if such a trend continues, the fresh water on earth will be exhausted very soon. what is worse, more and more water resources are being polluted, making the water unfit to use.

in addition,we must warn the people of the importance of water and the danger we are facing.for example, in most asian societies where rice is the staple food, the water used after cleaning rice contains various nutrients for plant growth and is an excellent detergent to flush the toilet. furthermore, the intriguing idea of converting the inexhaustible sea water to fresh water supplies will be the ultimate solution.









There are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn, winter. They are all so different, are very likable guy, but I only like white in winter.

Dancing after the autumn winter white wings to fly, it does not have the charactizing a fine spring, nor summer enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, more no harvest the fruits of autumn, winter, it hang, also has brought people of laughter.

You see the air, the dance, the silver elves, where lithe and graceful, graceful walk, it is the spirit of winter snow. Glittering and translucent get rid of is appeared, angular, kaleidoscope.

Myriad elves fluttering spread down the earth, make the earth look brand-new, good pack turn white. Some like green, the elves fell on the branch; Some like brown, landed on the roof tiles; Others fell on my head, clothes, and I catch up the tag, to show her magic magic, become crystal clear water droplets; Others fell on the wheat seeding the babys body, as if for a thick quilt over the difference, the difference baby HanHanDe, sweet, beautiful fell asleep... Others fell on the campus, campus immediately from the laughter, it is the students make a snowman snowball fights in the playground! Others fell on the warm homes, house the old man of the smile looking at air landing elf, eyes drifting far away; Others fell on the kindergarten, the children peaceful watching...

Winter brings the earth beautiful, brought crops harvest, brought happiness to us.

This is my favorite white winter!


Winter grandpa quietly come to earth, a day and a night under the swirl of snow, the white snow, like the earth mother clothed with a robe.

Morning, dong dong and cc a listen to mom said its snowing, go and dress they wake up face, and then immediately ran into the yard and the children playing together.

The yard good lively! Some kids skiing in joyfully, some in jubilantly make a snowman, and in a snowball fight fiercely, its interesting! Dong dong and he also joined their ranks, cc to roll a big snowball, while others are responsible for the snow together, dong dong vigorously piled the snow together. He stood up, yi? As a something! So she quickly ran home, running said: "I go home to take something!" After a while, he was holding a small bag excitedly ran out. First she mysteriously from the bag took out two round and the little black button in the lovely face of light snow person, then took out a root long thin carrots in below the eye, and then take out a piece of red pepper do snowman mouth labeled, then on the ground to find two young trees on both sides of a fork in a snowman, a lively and lovely snowman was born. Last winter winter took off his scarf and hat to wear of light snow person, snowman has become more lifelike.

Spring is coming, winter winter and cc after learning home found that accompany the yard daily snowman is missing, they were very sad. Mother cant bear to see them so sad, and told them: "light snow men afraid of you sad just wrote a letter to you, quick to see!"

Winter grandpa left, and I began the New Year, I thank you gave me life gave me dressed up so pretty! Accompany I had a great winter! I really dont want to leave you! See the next winter.