


更新时间:2023-12-04 05:29:58


Here are some guidelines for staying safe in an earthquake. What you need: a portable radio, first aid kit, fire extinguisher and flashlight, stay inside, hide under a table, or stand in a corner or door and cover your head and neck with your arms. If you are in a high-rise building without a protected desk or table, cover your head and neck with your arms, then try to enter an open area away from trees, buildings and walls.

If it is an outdoor step, pull signs and wires to the side of the road, away from overpasses and wires (if driving and stay in the car until the shaking is over and the steps are off the shelves or other If you are in a crowded store or public area, dont run to open the door and squat down. Cover your head and neck with your hands and arms. If you are below the seat back in a stadium or theater, cover your head and neck with tips and warnings: if youre looking for cover under a solid piece of furniture, grab it and be ready to follow Move it as far as possible away from the kitchen and garage, where there are often many possible objects falling.






“铃、铃、铃。”上课了,外教老师刚进门,原本热闹非凡的教室立即变得鸦雀无声。外教老师很风趣,老师和我们先互相做自我介绍。轮到邵耀萱说了,她说:“I am Shao Yao Xuan。”老师故意把她的名字说成了“Shao 、Shao 、Shao ”他那语调特别搞笑。顿时,同学们哈哈大笑起来。

到我了,我说:“I am Tina。”这时,老师张开双臂,我也跟着张开双臂。显然我误解了他的意思。他忽然把我抱了起来,并在我的右脸上猛亲了一下,我被刚才的`情景吓了一跳,原来老师刚才的举动是对我的友好。他把我轻轻地放下来,并给我一块糖,我连忙对老师说“Thank You”。外教老师还和我们做了许多有趣的游戏,可惜的是我们听不懂老师讲的话,为了让我们长大后能够走出国门,学到更多的知识,我们一定要好好学习英语。



As we all know, earthquakes are inevitable, but we can take some measures to reduce earthquakes. First of all, when an earthquake occurs, we should hide under very strong furniture (second, we should keep calm and dont worry about it; third, we should make sure that the door is open to escape from the side, we should prepare something, we must carry with us when the earthquake happens, we should carry enough water and food, flashlight, blanket, etc. The most important thing is that we must learn something about earthquakes.

