


更新时间:2023-05-20 04:49:30


Country Garden and Me

On the way from Panyu City to Shunde City and approaching the conjunction point of both cities, a big advertisement board of the infamous Country Garden will catch your eyes. And on the board, a lovely girl gently holds a little white pigeon.

She looks at everybody with a sweet smile. Who is this girl? Let me tell you later. Country Garden is located at the Beijao town, Shunde City of Guangdong Province. Ten years ago when my Dad and Mom took me as a baby to Guangzhou, it was a wasteland here. But what does this piece of wasteland look like nowadays? Country Garden has been developed and enlarged rapidly on the ground of this land, and a great number of high-quality houses and apartments have been built up within the garden. Over the past decade, other nine country gardens with various unique designs have been erasing around the great city of Guangzhou. The construction and management of several gardens have engaged the devoted contributions from my Dad and Mom.

Country Garden has grown up together with me, and I am one of the witnesses of its growth and development.



Lion was awakened from sleep by a Mouse running over his face. Rising up in anger, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the Mouse piteously entreated, saying: "If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness." The Lion laughed and let him go.

It happened shortly after this that the Lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him by strong ropes to the ground. The Mouse, recognizing his roar, came up, and gnawed the rope with his teeth, and setting him free, exclaimed: "You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, not expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favour; but now you know that it is possible for even a Mouse to confer benefits on a Lion."




沿途的风景很美,一阵阵的桂花香,让我忘记了还有没做完的作业,让妈妈忘记了晕车,让爸爸忘记了开车的辛苦... 不知不觉就已经到了我们的目的地——海底世界。





"Bellingham Christian School has decided to cancel school due to good weather," said Mr Samson in the letter to parents.萨姆森先生在信中对家长说:“由于难得的好天气,贝灵汉基督学校决定停课一天。”

Bellingham Christian School, in Washington state, sent letters to parents informing them their children's classes were cancelled so students and staff could enjoy a "sun day".位于华盛顿州的贝灵汉基督学校写信通知学生家长,他们孩子的课被取消了,学生和全体教职人员都可以享受“天气晴好的一天”。

Principal of the school, Bob Samson, said cancelling a day of school for nice weather was a good move and was an effort to "promote positive school culture".鲍勃-萨姆森学校的校长解释道,学校在难得的好天气取消一天的`课程是一个很好的决定,并将有助于“推广积极的校园文化”。

"Typically we cancel school for bad weather, so why not have some fun and cancel school due to fabulous weather?" added the principal.“通常我们会因为恶劣的天气而停课,那么为什么我们不能在难得这么棒的天气里取消课程尽情享受呢?” 校长又说道。

Located just outside Whatcom County's largest city, Bellingham Christian School did not cancel a single day of classes due to bad weather over the winter months.贝灵汉基督学校坐落在霍特科姆县中最大的城市郊区,在过去冬季的几个月,并没有因为恶劣的天气而取消一天的课程。

The Pacific-Northwest city is forecast to enjoy clear skies and temperatures up to 23 degrees Celsius over the coming days.在接下来几天,预计太平洋西北部城市天气将会放晴,气温将回升到23℃。

Catering for children aged 2 to 14, the non-denominational Christian school educates students from over forty regional churches in the Bellingham area.这个跨教派的基督学校里的学生多为2到14岁孩子,来自贝灵汉地区里超过40个区域性教会。

"There are so many heavy things that go on in our world, it's nice to celebrate, relax and share joy with many," said the principal.校长说:“在我们的世界中有很多沉重的事情在发生;我们庆祝、放松、与他人共享喜悦,将会使生活更美好。”







2016年 表面上看,这一年的话题与青少年这一群体相关。但仔细一想,这是一个全民话题。因为我们每个人从小在父母的.教育下成长,等到自己为人父母后便会转换身份去教育下一代,所以这一话题具有极大的普遍性。





An American Girl in Traditional Chinese Costume

2002年 2002年1月考场上出现的这幅漫画不得不让我们想到2001年的大事件——北京申请到了奥运会以及中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)。
