


更新时间:2023-07-28 03:37:08


今天下午,我写完作业后,闲着没事干。这时,妈妈说她要到楼上搞卫生。我一听,顿时心来潮,想:何不帮妈妈干点活儿! 于是,我便对妈妈说:“妈妈,我也和您一起打扫好吗?”妈妈说:“也好,可以给你锻炼锻炼。我擦地面,你就擦电视机柜、写字台一类的吧!” 这时,我已经迫不及待了,忙对妈妈说:“妈妈,我们快上去吧!”于是,我便和妈妈来到了儿楼。我拿起抹布浸湿后,就干了起来。 我先来到客厅里,擦电视机柜马上面不满了灰尘,好象是敌军占领了一片土地。这时,我向它们发起了“进攻”,把那些“士兵”个片甲不留,夺回了“领地”。 接着,我又向茶几上的“敌军”进行“扫荡”。不一会儿,这些“敌军”就被我击溃了。 刚抹了一会儿,抹布就很脏了。我便来到水池边,把抹布洗净后,又继续干了起来。 大约过了半个钟头,我已经把窗户、台灯、写字台都擦遍了,这时,它们就像新的一般。手抹上去,一点灰尘也没有。 我迅速地往妈妈那里跑去,向妈妈汇报我的“战绩”。 今天,我总算为家里做了一件有意义的事,心里别提有多高兴了。


One of my roommate often talk when he sleeps. He talked about all kinds of things.For example ,last night, I had a hard jod to fall asleep .I read a novel to make my eyes feel sleepy.When I was concentrated to the story ,I heard he said:"how much do you want?" It sounds like he was arguing a price with somebody , I was very strange ,so I asked:" Are you awake?what are you talking about?" there was not reply . At that time , he begain to talk agin:"OK, OK."It was the first time I heart him talk, so I did afraid of that and unforgettable.




When I was a little child, I was so naughty that I always did something angry my parents. They always blamed to me, but I never listened to them. I thought they were too strict with me. But I changed in someday. My parents always told me to be careful when I went out. However, all I thought was they worried too much. On my way to take the bus home, there was a traffic light. That day, when I got to the cross road, the light was red, but there was no car crossed the road anymore. So I went across the road without the light turning to green. At this moment, a car rushed quickly towards me. I was suddenly scared, so that I couldn’t move but stood still. Luckily, the driver broke the car quickly and I did not get hurt. But I did scared. I couldn’t image what would happen if the car did not stop in time. I told my parents what I experienced. At first, they blamed me as usual and I knew I was wrong that time. Therefore, I did not say anything. They realized that I was frightened, so they comforted me patiently. I finally knew that all they said and done was good to me. After that, I was much more careful and I listened to my parents.