


更新时间:2023-11-30 04:50:00


《我最高兴的一件事》四年级二班 向小庆 暑假--我非常喜欢,就像鸟儿爱天空,蜜蜂爱花朵一样。我的暑假过得无忧无虑,可时间在一天一天过去。唉,要是时间真能倒流,那我希望能回到三天前。因为,那一天我快乐无比。 8月26日,我和姐姐一写完作业就拿着5元零花钱乐颠颠地去商店买东西。一路上,我在心里暗自想着:我们去买什么好呢?我最爱吃冰淇淋,对,就买冰淇淋!我和姐姐径直朝商店里的冰柜走去,我快速地掀开冰柜盖,哇!好多花花绿绿的冰淇淋映入我们的眼帘。待我仔细数来,一共有六种。望着那诱人的冰淇淋,我垂涎三尺。我们好想尝尽所有口味的冰淇淋啊,可我们仅仅只有5元钱,我灵机一动,决定每个品种只买一盒,回家后跟姐姐分着吃。我在心里盘算着:这样一来,还会剩下两元钱。我嘻笑着说:“我们再买两瓶纯净水吧!”姐姐她高兴地答应了。买好了,我们飞一般地在大路上奔跑,不一会儿就到家了。姐姐坐在椅子上歇气儿,我就跑进厨房拿来两个杯子和勺子。我迫不及待地打开袋子,“呀,每一个品种看起来都好好吃哦!”姐姐探过头来欣喜地说道。我们一个一个地分着吃,刚开始还挺好的,她一半,我一半。忽然,我被一种酸酸甜甜、味道香醇的冰淇淋陶醉了,那是我最喜欢的菠萝味冰淇淋。于是,我悄悄伸过手去想要端过来独享这美味儿,可令我出乎意料的是,姐姐也喜欢吃这种口味儿的,她竟和我争抢起来。一阵她争我夺过后,冰淇淋全化成了水,我俩只好你一勺我一勺地喝这冰水了。我们把两个品种和起来搅匀竟有了意外的发现,我用菠萝味和绿豆味的冰淇淋调成了蓝色,姐姐用山楂味和草莓味的冰淇淋调成了紫色…… 这是暑假里令我最高兴的一件事,这件事让我发现了颜色的奥秘,让我明白了快乐就在身边,快乐就是和朋友一起分享! 指导教师 廖 凤


Today is Monday. I got up at 6:30 a.m.. Then I washed my face and ate breakfast. Milk, bread, egg and porridge are my favorites. My mother always gets up early and cooks for me. This morning, I drank a cup of milk and ate bread and an egg.

After breakfast, I went to school at 7:00. School started at 7:50 and I usually get there at 7:30. I had English, history, math and geography in the morning. I liked English very much, because my English teacher is very nice. After school in the morning, I went home at 11:30. Then I ate lunch and then had a short rest.

I went to school at 14:00. In the afternoon, I had four classes: music, biology, and two periods of Chinese. I liked Chinese, too, because Chinese is our national language and it's very beautiful. After school, I went home for dinner. After dinner, I spent half and an hour in my homework. Then I watched TV and played computer games.










Heiio,my name is Jim.I'm tweive years old.In the morning,I get up at six o'clock.I eat breakfast at six fifteen.After breakfast,I go to school.

Shool starts at seven o'clock.In the morning,I have four class.I eat lunch at twenty o'clock.In the afternoon,I have four class too.

I go to school at around six o'clock.I eat dinner at six thirty.After lunch,I do my homework.I go to bed at nine o'clock.


Today is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 7:00. I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning. At 11:30, I’m very hungry.

I have lunch at school. I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon. We have three classes in the afternoon. I have computer class and art classes. I like them very much. I go home at 5:30. I do homework after school. My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00.