


更新时间:2023-02-11 05:55:08


司机带我们又坐上车 第一站前去塔尔寺,到了塔尔寺看到一座座小房子,像宫庭楼一样,拍了照片进去拜了活佛。之后我们去地质公园,那里的山奇形怪状、形态万千、我怎么看都像孙悟空的花果山一样,这就是女娲的.杰作。之后,我们又看了黄河,属于是黄河的上游,滚滚的黄河水特别雄伟壮丽 。一天又结束了,回到酒店已经很晚了,看着天边的星空,闪闪烁烁,仿佛看到了明天的太阳在为我们燃起,路边的路灯也在向我们微笑。 第三天的路途开始了,我们大家都怀着激动的心情去吃早餐,吃完后我们和昨天一样坐上面包车,不过今天第一站是日月山 那里可美了,像大草原一样。

有小羊羔,牦牛,还有马。小羊羔特别可爱,我抱着它照了好多相,牦牛又大又壮,不过也挺可爱,尽管害怕但是我还是骑着它照了相。看完这些,又前去青海湖,那里真是一望无际的海,海水特别清澈,让我们惊喜。随后回来的路上经过了油菜花地,这里也是一望无际,漫山遍野黄橙橙的油菜花太好看了,我们在菜花里好像是一个个花仙子,景色真是美极了。很快天就黑了,我们又拖着疲惫的身子回到了酒店,虽然很累但这一天的活动真是丰富多彩呀! 第四天是一个特别的日子,是我们旅途的最后一天,我们要离开青海,要回到我们自己的家了,可是大家都不舍得回去,因为这里太美了。虽然我们只玩了整整四天,但是大家都很开心,最后我们上了车回到了自己的家,但我们更期待下一次的活动。


I walked down my street with my dad. The sun shone on Mrs. Stokes, watering her potted plants. 我和爸爸沿着我们的街道走,太阳照到了斯托克斯太太身上,她正给她的盆栽植物浇水。

“Hello, Mrs. Stokes,” I called loudly. “I’ll water those plants for you.” “你好,斯托克斯太太!”我大声喊,“我来给您浇花吧。”

Mrs. Stokes smiled. I watered her potted plant. My dad pulled out some weeds. People like to help each other on our street. 斯托斯太太微笑了,我给她的盆栽植物浇了水,爸爸把一些杂草拔了出来。这条街道上,人们很乐意帮助他人。

I walked on with my dad. The sun shone on Hope and her mom. They were singing for the people who went by. 我跟我爸爸继续走着。太阳照到了浩波和她妈妈身上,她们正为路过的`人们唱歌。

We liked their songs. My dad dropped some money in a hat beside them. Hope smiled. 我们喜欢她们的歌。爸爸在她们旁边的一顶帽子里面放了点钱,浩波微笑了。

I walked on with my dad. The sun shone on a man and his brown dog. The dog wagged its tail. 我跟爸爸继续走着。太阳照在一位男人和他的棕色狗身上。狗摇着尾巴。

“Can I take Arthur for a walk for you, Mr. Rose?” I asked. “罗丝先生,我帮您把亚瑟带出去遛一遛,行吗?”我问。

“Thank you,” he said. “I’ll have a rest.” “谢谢你,”他说,“我打算休息一会儿。

” I walked on with my dad. The sun shone on the buds bursting on the trees. I was happy. 我跟爸爸继续走着。太阳照在树上蓦然生出的嫩芽上,我很喜欢。

Mrs. Stoke’s plants were watered. Hope and her mom were singing for the people who went by. Mr. Rose was resting. 斯托克斯太太的植物已经把水浇过了。浩波和她妈妈在为从那儿经过的人们唱歌。罗丝先生正在那儿休息。

I was going to the city park to play with dad and Arthur. I love where I live. 我跟爸爸正要到城市公园去和亚瑟玩。我爱我居住的地方。


Last summer vacation,my family and I went to Qingdao by train.There was always sunshine and fresh air,which made us so comfortable.We went to the seaside,the sea was as blue as the sky,and bathing in the sunshine on the beach, was really an enjoyable thing.I also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister.There we bought many interesting souvenirs,I was planing to send them to my friends.We ate many tings there,such as fish,prawn,and so on.

They are very delicious.Then we lived in a clean and tidy hotel,and the price was not so expensive.I like Qingdao very much,and if I got a chance,I hope to come here again,it is such a beautiful and interesting place.















My holiday si happy 。No school, no class. This life is the most beautiful。I very Iike My holiday。 Because it is happy.in holiday.。During the holiday, I will go every day to and my friends go out to play, we play are very happy, I am very happy. We will go to the library to read a book, this is the most I like doing. I will play the game together with father, and the father when playing the game very happy。I will help my parents to clean the room every day, my parents it is happy.every day。I Iike my holiday.


Today is a sunny. I and my friends went out shopping shopping mall. We go to see many T-shirt, rich and colorful,Wewent have lunch-their. Last time we buy at a black T-shirt, a bag and the socks. The receiver, were happy! Today, my mother and I go to shopping.

There are many things to the supermarket. There are many books on the bookshelf answer: have toys and ball shelf to b their pens and pencils on the bookshelf many fruits on the shelf have clothes shelf to colon I want to buy a new pen, a toy plane, a football. My mother wants to buy some fruit, a shirt, some fish. But we bought a new pen, a football, fish, and some fruit. We have a very good time, today.


Today my mother and I go to shopping. We went to a big shop. There are many things. Something about playing, some about diet and some about work.

I like the book is very small, so I have to go to the bookstore. Oh, there are a lot of books. I like it very much. So I ask a mother: "I can chice my favorite book?" My mother said: "good!" "Good! Thank you, mum!" Im happy to buy some books!