


更新时间:2024-04-27 09:17:43







这要看你需要什么句子,如果是找每一段开篇点题的句子,最好还是找一些文学性比较强的东西,比如说一些给白领看的经济类文章,我们经常提到了的[经济学人].The.Economist.就属此类。要想寻找经济学家的话最好还是去verycd这个网站http://www.verycd.com/topics/2727001/ 这里就是一个很好的选择。比如说无老师就从2008年11月15日这一期的第12页找到了一个很好的句子,很适合当文章的开头。Asked what China will do to rescue the world from financial turmoil, its officials these days have a boilerplate answer:its greatest contribution will be to keep its own economy running smoothly.我们把它放在Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.这个题目之下,就可以改写成Asked what teachers will do to improve their students, the response in high schools have a boilerplate answer:the greatest contribution of homework will be to keep its their students appreciating their knowledge entirely.

那么我们提炼一下Asked what …… will do to ……, the response in …… have a boilerplate answer:the greatest contribution of …… will be to keep its their …….就是一个十分优秀的作文开头模板。

我们也可以从同样是2008年11月15日这一期的120页找到Further evidence of emerging markets’ potential comes from the experience of Britain’s AstraZeneca in China.这一句只要稍加修改就可以变成一个非常优秀的2-4段的段落开头,首先把他模板化Further evidence of …… comes from the experience of …… in …….然后再加入一点倒装句式来证明我们的文学水平Not only does ……come from the experience of …… in ……., but (also evidence of ……subsequently(further prove……这样一个优秀的论证段的段首句模板就完成了。

至于例子的模板,那么就是新闻的天下了,我们仍然可以在《经济学人The.Economist》里面寻找。比如说找到了这么一句话South Korea’s capital city now has been named their most favored travel destination two years in row, according to the report, as 11.4 percent of the Chinese, 9.8 percent of the Japanese, and an overwhelming 20.0 percent of the Thai expressed their preference for Seoul, toppling cities like Tokyo, Paris and Honolulu in the survey. 这里面我们就可以把这个句子直接提炼为模板…… now has been named their most favored …… two years in row, according to the report, as 11.4 percent of the ……, 9.8 percent of the ……, and an overwhelming 20.0 percent of the …… expressed their preference for ……, toppling cities like …, … and … in the survey.相识的\'数字,加上确凿的低点,一切显得都是那么无可辩驳,但是实际上这就是一个模板。

当然我们不肯能每一个句子都是这么长,因此我们可以加入很多For example, Therefore, 所引导的句子来增强文章内部的节奏感,使得读者不会感觉到过于疲惫。

至于末段的模板则是有一些讲究的,但是当无老师看了无数篇作文和《经济学人The.Economist》的文章之后,无老师开始反思我们很多学生写的“ After ruminating over all these factors, ”“It is more advantageous for us to make decision alone,”“As far as I am concerned, I come to the notion that”这类作文结尾,是否是一种符合欧美人思维的文章,因为你只要稍微把经济学人的文章找几篇文章的结尾看一下就会知道,其实这里面绝大多数时候,都是以罗列多方




雅思考试有条写作指令叫做:Include relevant examples from your own experience. 所以很多考生在考试时都喜欢使用举例法(exemplification。这一扩展方式本身无可厚非,然而在使用时几种例子是不适合的。



Most female consumers and their girlfriends shop unwisely and spend too much money in their early ages.(时间状语

Most female consumers and their girlfriends shop unwisely and spend too much money on luxurious purchases.(名词状语

Most female consumers and their girlfriends shop unwisely and spend too much money on souvenirs.(名词状语



虽然来源于身边社会,但不可让描述方式变的太鸡毛蒜皮,拿不上台面。其实这点非常容易办到,只需要把事件中某一个具体的你,我,他,变成是客观群体,比如说people across the globe, students, they之类的人称即可。


for example,/for instance,(后加句子)

Such as/ like      (后加词组)

Take... as an example,

A case in point is that......


1. 应避免使用第一人称和第二人称,为了加强客观性,应将人称写成第三人称。

改正:Those people who raise pets, such as dogs and cats, are more likely to gain happiness and relieve their loneliness.(那些养宠物,例如养猫和养狗的人往往更容易获得快乐并且缓解孤独感)

2. 应避免引用一项调查研究,并同时伴有过多数据。应将数据去掉,用含糊的方法表示。

改正:There is much evidence to show that the number of people smoking has increased at an alarming rate in China. (大量证据表明。。。)

3. 应避免将例子局限在一个国家,尤其是中国。应将范围放至全世界。

改正:Many children around the world like to sit in front of the screen for a long time, leading to their poor eyesight.(在全世界,许多孩子在屏幕前待太久,导致了他们的视力减弱。

“全世界”的表达方式:around the world, all over the world, across the globe

【写作真题】The advocates of international aid believe that countries have a moral obligation to help each other, while the opponents consider it necessary, because money is misspent by the governments that receive it. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

【名师献计】This aid is essential to the homeless and useful in helping recipient countries return to their normal state after major disturbances. For example, with the humanitarian relief obtained worldwide on an annual basis, victims of natural disasters (such as tsunami, drought, flood throughout the world can recover rapidly and rebuild their homeland.


2. Many schools demand the students wear uniforms. Some people think that such a practice can undermine their personality and individuality. What is your opinion?

3. Some people believe that pet animals such as cats and dogs cannot be kept in the cities, especially in busy modern cities. Do you agree or disagree?

4. Nowadays, teenagers cause a lot of social problems due to lack of discipline. Some people think that parents should spend more time staying with their children. Do you agree or disagree?

5. Nowadays, many children have their part-time jobs. Some people say that doing part-time jobs is useful, but others argue that children should enjoy their childhood. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

6. Some people think if students want to learn a foreign language, it is advisable for them to learn it in the native countries where the language is actually spoken. Whats your opinion? Give your reasons.

7. In some countries, there are women taking the positions of police officers, while some people believe that women are not suitable to work in the police force. DO you agree or disagree? Write your reasons and give examples in your experience.