


更新时间:2024-04-18 17:15:51


"Little peas in the window" reads 200 words.

I finished reading the little peas in the window, and I felt a great deal about it. He was a bad boy in the eyes of most parents and teachers. The teachers hated her and thought she was noisy and disobedient. However, when it came to the park, everything was different. The headmaster was not as strict as the other teachers.

It seemed like an incredible thing to do in the tram, but the headmaster did it, and he didnt get impatient when he talked for more than four hours. When he saw the small doudou cesspit of things into a hill, he didnt lose his temper, not scold her not obedient, just light said 1: "remember back after finish."

Who doesnt like such a school?


Ideological understanding sohomlinsky "gives one hundred suggestions" of the teachers:

A teachers hours of labor and creation are like a great river, nourished by many small streams.

The development of students intelligence depends on their good reading ability.

Memory is flexible and sensitive. If you are good at it and dont burden it too much, it will be your first assistant.

The more difficult a childs study is, the more obstacles he seems to overcome in his studies, the more he should read, the more that he can read, the more he thinks, and that thought becomes a stimulus to intelligence.

Knowledge can only be called knowledge when it becomes the factor of spiritual life, occupies the mind of man, and stimulates the interest of man.


In this week, Mr. Zeng taught us a touching article "five heroes of Langya Mountain". In this text, it tells how the warriors fought and sacrificed in the war of 1941.

In this text, there are five important people. In order to prevent the enemy from discovering the masses and company doctrine, they lead the enemy to Langya Mountain, which is surrounded by cliffs on three sides, and jump off the cliff to prevent the enemy from taking them away. They are ma Baoyu, Ge Zhenlin, song Xueyi, Hu Delin and Hu Fucai.

In this text, I understand that five soldiers dare to sacrifice themselves for us, but we can do nothing. Therefore, like the five heroes, I will not be afraid of difficulties and study hard to build a better and stronger motherland.


There is no consensus of opinions among people about X(争论的焦点。Some people are of the view that

观点1. While others take an opposite side, firmly believing that

观点2. As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion is preferable in many senses. The reasons are obvious. First of all,

论据1. Furthermore,

论据2. Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest. That is,

论据3. A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that 总结观点。As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心。或 From above, we can predict that 预测。


Sense and Sensibility was the first Jane Austen published. Though she initially called it Elinor and Marianne, Austen jettisoned both the title and the epistolary mode in which it was originally written, but kept the essential theme: the necessity of finding a workable middle ground between passion and reason. The story revolves around the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne. Whereas the former is a sensible, rational creature, her younger sister is wildly romantic--a characteristic that offers Austen plenty of scope for both satire and compassion. Commenting on Edward Ferrars, a potential suitor for Elinors hand, Marianne admits that while she "loves him tenderly," she finds him disappointing as a possible lover for her sister.

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