


更新时间:2023-11-24 11:27:25



When I was in the fourth grade, I changed a new deskmate. His name is Liu Jinming.


He is a chubby little boy with big eyes and small mouth. He is very cute. Hes very smart, especially in math, and hes very engaged in class.


I remember once when I was in class, I asked Liu Jinming a question. But when Liu Jinming saw the teacher writing on the blackboard, he couldnt hear my question at all. My deskmate is really engaged!


I like my deskmate very much and he is very kind!



我们回来的时候改乘圣马洛船,以免再遇到他。在这之后的几年里,我们并没有因为于勒没有赚到钱回来而生活得艰苦,然而恰恰相反,由于二姐夫的升官发财,日子过得越红火,这时家里的处境大有好转,原来的旧房子的地方盖了栋别墅,成为哈佛尔上最显眼的东西。 也是在那次相遇后,富有的于勒想再次考验菲利普夫妇,想再给他们一次机会,所以。。。。。。



此时,门外又个凄凉的声音:“哥嫂,你们就让我进门吧,我快受不住了,我再也不想过那种漂泊的生活。。。。。。”声音渐渐沙哑。微弱,寒风的呼啸已盖住他的声音,但屋内却似全然不知,任凭于勒的呐喊。 “老板,你怎么了!”“快来人啊,老板晕倒了!”门外的声音吸引了菲利普一家人,他们透过窗子有许多车,看到一群着装大方整齐的上流人士把于勒扶进了一辆高级轿车内后,飞奔而去,随后那些车子紧跟着离开。 原来整件事情的发展,菲利普一家人完全不知。

那次在船上遇见于勒时,于勒已经大有作为,只是于勒想考验一下菲利普夫妇对他的想念是否是出于真心,结果。。。。。。 在哈尔弗镇上小有名气的菲利普一家利用他们的权力打听到了于勒的住址。

第二天,菲利普夫妇和他的儿子到于勒的豪宅登门拜访。见到于勒后,他们的口语显得“套近乎”:“弟弟啊,进来过得好啊,我们可想着你呢,时刻都盼着你要早点回家,现在我们终于可以团聚共欢乐了。”似乎看着经不起考验的菲利普夫妇的神情,于勒瞧不起他们,他们的“金钱情”比起于勒的真情微不足道。想起若瑟夫在船上的怜惜,于勒让若瑟夫留在了身边,把菲利普夫妇礼貌地轰走。。。。。。 金钱是不能和亲情相比较。衡量的,否则后悔莫及。。。。。。








My deskmate is Xu Qiong,not how beautiful.There is a mole on the face,wearing a long pigtail.She loves to play rock paper scissors,also love to buy something to eat.Her maths homework quickly,usually a few before the class.But she was always do wrong,sometimes she again and again to correct or wrong,finally.No way she had to turn to me for help,I began to carefully taught her.With my help finally done.Then she excited in the seat,as if in the heart cry:" I do!"

Although she doesnt study how,but I quite admire her.I learned a lot from her,she will find a lot of small games,let us enjoy the play; she finished her homework very quickly.

This is my classmate,I very love my deskmate.





my new deskmate is a boy of siteen. his name is zhang gao. he is 1.8 meters tall. his strongly-built body and sun-tanned skin make him look like a sportsman. he has two big dark eyes under a pair of thick eyebows. it seems that they are always smiling at you. compared with my yellow hair, his hair is black and thick. he speaks a little bit fast but very clearly. however, he likes to gesture from time to time while hes talking. he has a dream of becoming a famous actor one day. i believe his dream will come true because of his handsome face and well-developed figure.

i have a new deskmate this new term. his name is zhang gao, male.he is 1.8 metres in height. he looks like a sportsman for sun-tanned skin.strongly-buih body and well-developed figure make him quite healthy.there is a pair of big eyes below his thick eyebrows.

he speaks very fast and fluently, but what he says is very clear. when he speaks, he is always making some gestures. he dreams of being an actor and i have no doubt that his dream will come true. whenever he sees you,he always gives you a friendly smile which makes you comfortable. he is a good student. i hope he will have a wonderful future.

i like my new deskmate.


Jenny is my desk-mate. She is a hard-working girl. When she was twelve years old, she won the first in a city-wide poetry recitation contest. Now she is chairman of the Student union in our school. She gives us the impression that her ability to express her ideas is excellent.

In spare time, she likes to carry a book .with her and writes down what she sees and hears. Shes such a lovely girl that I enjoy talking with her to share her ideas.